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Wormwood's roseate skin portrait doesn't make much sense.

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Hello, I've been playing quite a bit of Wormwood recently, and I've noticed something about his roseate skin's portrait art that's bugging me. 

This the portrait in question:


It looks fine at first, but if you think about it, the perspective is kind of messed up. I'm talking about Wormwood's head stem thingy (the branch part that sticks out the back of his head,) for lack of a better term. 

His roseate skin looks like this in-game.


Assuming that the skin lines up with his default sprite, his head stem is facing forwards in the portrait. It makes it seem like it's sort of reaching around his head, or that his head is facing the wrong way entirely. To hopefully illustrate it better, it effectively looks like this:


Apologies for the sub-par linework. Drawing on a laptop trackpad isn't the easiest.

If the head stem were to be flipped around to the other side, it would be more accurate.

I know it's a bit of a nitpick, and this isn't to insult the portrait artist. The skin portrait art is some of my favorite in the game (I mean, just look at Forlorn Willow's!) And I understand how this might've happened, if you only look at the front facing sprite, one could easily get it messed up. I just wanted to share this because I noticed it recently and it's all I can think about when I look at his portrait. Is there any other character portrait art discrepancies you might've noticed?

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This is my least favorite skin of his because the hair does that. Also when the flower blooms his hair is a mess and doesn't look cute to me at all. I understand its supposed to look like a flower's leafs or whatever but its not to my taste.

Wormwood's triumphant is his best one cant change my mind.

Also the pumpkin one... The stem is too thick... Looks ugly. The leaf body in bloom is also very boring.

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