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Construct Your Very Own Homemade 2kg/s Geyser (hopefully to soon be patched away)

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Based off @nneko25's discoveries around liquid duplication, I present a simple 2kg, you pick the temp, homemade geyser that fits snuggly into a corner of a 4 tile tall living space. The cost is 240W and a one time investment of 120g of water (60 g on each side) and enough of your desired tliquid to keep liquid on the mesh tile rows. I wanted to get a post in before @klei.ruby's hopeful fix hits the next update. That said, here is a 2kg/s @ 26.9C petroleum geyser. 


When 10kg of liquid leaves the vent, on the very next tick you see 1250g appear to each side of the vent. So you get 2.5kg every time the vent is open.  Why then is this only 2kg/s. Well, every 4 seconds you create 10kg of liquid, and then that liquid needs to be shipped away (taking 1 second of the pump's time).  So with a hydrosensor attached to the vent, you can maintain a stable layer of liquid on the mesh tile row, with an average of 10k/5s (or 2kg/s) extra liquid flowing out. 

If you want to swap out the liquid storage tank for an aquatuner, then you can cool the liquid that will be duplicated right before sending it up.  After an initial burn in phase while 2.5kg of 14C cooler liquid gets added, the temp will eventually stabilize at whatever  temp you set. Or you can cool the thing from an outside source. Options are wide open.  I like building ice tempshift plates on the side of my geyser (made with regular tiles, nott insulated ones) as a simple way to drop the heat. 

You don't have to make it 4 tiles tall, as something like below works just fine to duplicate supercoolant, which would be quite costly to have to fully fill 10 tiles before duplication can begin.  There is no automation attached here, so this will eventually stop working when the supercoolant flows upwards. 


What liquids can I use? 

Any liquid, at your desired temperature, can be duplicated this way. You just need to make sure you have a top layer liquid above the duplicated liquid.  The top layer liquid must remain liquid at your desired temp. The quantity of liquid you need on your top layer needs to be suffiicent to flow sideways once, but then not flow sideways again (so when the vent closes, the space over the vent stays vacuum). For liquid duplication in the range of water, then 60g water on each side will do the trick.  If you want to duplicate naptha at extreme temps, then use 600g of petro on each side.  Make sure the initial bit of liquid is placed on the far sides, so that the middle vent is never covered. 

Water has nothing lighter than it, so how do I duplicate water with this?

This particular contraption needs modifications to duplicate water. See @nneko25's thread for more details. There are lots of improvmeents. 

What about polluted water? You said the middle tile needs to be vacuum.

If you do this with polluted water, then you end up with problems of a single gas being trapped.  Just make sure there is space for polluted oxygen to flow upwards.  This geyser provides 2kg/s PW which gets mopped up by my dupes to provide oxygen for 18 dupes, and enough ceramic to fill the map. 


This one will hopefully be gone soon from the game, but for now you have it as an option. 




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On 5/24/2021 at 5:10 PM, MinhPham said:

This is the realllll DLC :lol:

On 5/24/2021 at 9:56 AM, 0xFADE said:

You wouldn't download a Geyser

EA would do that ... $0.99 per new geyser type. 5 geysers for $3.99


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So I was inspired by this and thought: "Wouldn't it be nice to replicate Methane the same way?"

And if you finesse the temperature to -184 C , you can put LOX on top of Methane and get tons of energy and bonus chilling in the process.

It seems folks have also been able to replicate molten metals after all, need to test that some more.


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