NPCs/Bar Patrons shuffle strangely during Smith's finale

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(Not sure how to describe what happened so I just have a clip from the stream) but basically the NPC's/patrons in the bar shuffled every time I had a conversation during Smith's finale prep at the Hideaway? Yeah, I wanted to hire Brut before he was whisked away and then he appeared out of nowhere again LMAO

apologies for those nonsensical F8 reports btw hahaha


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There's not enough plax slot (basically slots in a location that displays a character) for all the characters to appear on screen. Initially, before the final quest, there are some patrons already on screen, so they take up a few slots. When the final quest spawns, some characters are added to the location, but there isn't enough plax slots to display all the characters, so the latter characters don't get displayed. When the screen refreshes all the character slots, the game prioritizes characters involved in quests, so brut shows up.

I had this problem when testing my quests in my mod, where I debug spawn a quest that puts 3 advisors at the slurping snail when the patron count is almost full. Usually only one can be displayed at a given time.

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