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Less people-y Beefalo skins.

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If we get more Beefalo skins in the future, I'd really want them to be less people-y. A lot of the Beefalo skins have them dressed up like people, wearing full clothing and having human hairstyles, but personally I prefer the skins like the Frostbitten and Flowery Beefalo where they just look like different types of cows. There's a ton of potential for those imo, like the classic black and white patterned cow, or angus, or something more like regular buffalo.

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Frostbiten is by far my favorite of ALL the Beefalo skins- But just like my Wigfrid.. who I did “my own Way” by mixing and matching various heads, torsos, gloves, pants & shoe skins 



This photo is now Outdated: it now includes the furry hands from Wolfgang’s (or maybe it’s Wortox’s?) recent Hallowed Nights skin- but I didn’t want to take a new picture so I’m using this one for now.. I may update this post later with the improved version.

As you can see in the spoiler: I don’t play this game by using a full skin set I like to mix and match different ones to make my own unique looks: My YoTB friend is no different

its A mix of frostbitten, normal default, and Flowery beef (I’ll update this post later with an image)

However... unlike you, I actually DON’T mind the people clothes... (real life human people dress their dogs and cats in cute little people clothes.. it’s not weird or anything!) Some of them I will NEVER use.. but that’s a different story.

I do like the groomed hairstyles (particularly the Beef in the Tophat) :) they are adorable.

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2 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

real life human people dress their dogs and cats in cute little people clothes..

Poor animals

3 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

I like to mix and match different ones

This is the best part of klei skins, is infinity the amount of skins by mixing. Very clever idea to make skins in that way

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