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Please add warp pads on every planet.

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4 hours ago, minespatch said:

The warp pads help me avoid doing space travel

Why should that be encouraged? Warp portals are fine to get to one other asteroid given the smaller size. But rocketry is a huge part of the game and making it optional would be bad design

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6 minutes ago, minespatch said:

Agreed. The fact they work so early is brow raising.

The initial one has to be accessible tho, even if it's just to obtain oil and dreckos and even if only for a few travels to and from, otherwise you have litterally zero means to get reed fiber and plastic midgame.

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Another way would have to use advanced ressources to recharge the teleporters, like an uranium cell or smth like that, crafted in end game. At the start every teleport would have a limited use count, that would make the teleport an item to use wisely especially in early game, and for more use you'd need to recharge them

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I think asteroids could be connected in pairs. The first 2 would have third nearby and it would be connected to a fourth further away maybe requiring extra power ta activate the teleport. Then the more challenging ones designed for lategame would have them destroyed on hidden in a hard to access place.

Or maybe we could have a buildable version of warp teleports and warp pipes as lategame but it would require tons of power, rare materials and take 5 times as much space.

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crossed my mind, that it would be cool to be able to bring the planetoids together as a semi-single unit.

Using some higher tech, positional thrusters, orbital drives, and structural struts, Placing each asteroid(planetoid) into a cardinal position. In a circular ring, that is then connected at the top side of each map. So, that in eventuality dupes could walk from on to the other. Structural and orbital struts could be made of abyssilite tiles. Strut structure would touch the top of the map. Transit tubes, ladders could be extended and crossover through the top boundary.

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