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Seeds - any way to stop the littering birbs?

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I get it, seeds are important. But at some point there's just too many of them and I can't keep my base clean. Not to mention they keep on rotting in the world making a mess. Is there a way to stop birds from dropping seeds? At least on player-crafted turfs or something? :c

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If you have seeds in your inventory nearby birds won't drop them.

I was wrong. I had read this somewhere else and anecdotally thought it seemed true.

Here's the logic:

local function SpawnPrefabChooser(inst)
    if TheWorld.state.cycles <= 3 then
        -- The item drop is for drop-in players, players from the start of the game have to forage like normal
        return ChooseSeeds()

    local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
    local players = FindPlayersInRange(x, y, z, 20, true)

    -- Give item if only fresh players are nearby
    local oldestplayer = -1
    for i, player in ipairs(players) do
        if player.components.age ~= nil then
            local playerage = player.components.age:GetAgeInDays()
            if playerage >= 3 then
                return ChooseSeeds()
            elseif playerage > oldestplayer then
                oldestplayer = playerage

    -- Lower chance for older players to get item
    return oldestplayer >= 0
        and math.random() < .35 - oldestplayer * .1
        and ChooseItem()
        or ChooseSeeds()

ChooseSeeds will always drop a seed unless it is winter.

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I don't know a way to stop them from being dropped (I'm skeptical about whether @L. Ringmaster's method works, as I can definitely recall picking up more seeds when I'm already holding a stack, but I can't recall for certain whether the seeds were already on the ground) but doing c_removeall("seeds") in the console every once in a while will get rid of the ones rotting on the ground throughout the map.

Also any seed stashes you've deliberately collected, I would assume (although not crop-specific seeds). So if you have those you'll need to spawn them back in afterwards.

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12 hours ago, Canis said:

I just put the rot into a pile and leave it at my farms or something. If I absolutely don't need them, I torch 'em.

If they're still seeds and not spoiled, I eat them off the ground.

The thing is, all of this is a lot of boring, unnecessary work. That's the point :p

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Would be great if Klei made a seeds/rot natural disposal mechanic like naturally decaying (rot) or being eaten by some mobs similar to the sea one - where fishes gulp them up (seeds, eggs dropped into sea, etc). Would also prevent the "animals really had a wild drunken party and puked all over place" unaesthetic look of Forest maps in long-lived worlds. Perhaps a new mob could "gather" rot, retain it for a fixed period in its inventory (so if player desires said rot amounts at some later time, they can choose to attack respective mob for it via killing), and ultimately "digest", maybe after 1 season or 1 in-game year being in mob's inventory if mentioned "rot-collecting" mob is left alone.

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