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The Conspiracy Pig


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Deep in the caves lives a paranoid pig who has sought a life of isolation, self sustainability, and solving The Constant's great mysteries.


He makes notes for himself as he pieces together his thoughts and theories. 


What ramblings would be on these signs? What are some silly Don't Starve conspiracies that this pig would be researching? 


"Don't trust the birds! Surface surveillance state!"

"We might be in some sort of simulation"

"Nitre in the water is turning the frogs gay!"

"The moon splitting was an inside job!"

Let's see what you thelucite-foil hat wearers can come up with!

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"Charlie is a foreign agent colluding with the Them!"

"Follow the Gold. It always leads to the Shadow Chapel"

"The humans are developing new powers or I'm starting to lose it down here"

"THEY pull the strings of this endless Merm war!"

That's all I got at the moment. I could think of more but I had a big bowl of chili. 

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