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Response to Carnivore Achievement Questions

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There are many options for doing carnivore. I'll list both the easy and not so easy methods. Easy method 1, save scumming for pacu. Easy method 2, save scumming for shove voles, ranch them off dirt, block their movements with obsidian/pneumatic doors/1 tile-nowhere to jump to. Harder, but doable methods are shove vole hunting on the surface. It becomes a race to get there, but if you like to play on larger maps like neon eden then this method is much more difficult. The other method is ranching. Ranching doesn't take too much dupe time to get started, but it does take time for it to be a food source. The first dupe you print will have a skill point, invest that in farming. By cycle 13, he should get another skill point to invest in ranching. Actively ranch every wild critter you can. I have tried many times for a clean run preserving my wild critters, but this has proven very difficult to do even if you only ranch critters greater than 80% of their life cycle (they lay an egg after that). Pips are your friends for ranching dreckos, you will not forfeit the locavore achievement if you use wild mealwood. Wait until you've built up a supply of critters in your ranch and only kill critters when your dupes are starving and they cannot find any food. It is almost always a bad idea to have more than 3-4 dupes before you set up your ranch and incubators, instead rely on a method I call "ramping". You might have to do some math to figure out how many units of food your dupes need to eat based on how many cycles you have left. for a quick reference, not accounting for binge eating, bottomless stomach, or ravenous hunger, a normal dupe will eat 1000kcal/cycle or 1 unit/cycle. to simplify this, your dupes need to eat 400 (400000/1000) units by cycle 100. Use the mod "Achievement Progress" if you want to. The best thing to go for next after you have your ranches set up is to go for the Incubators which by themselves need to have a couple things to set up. Here is an example of the order of research you can do. You can always do research in a different order based on your map/needs.


1. Lights, get that Lit Bonus

2. Large Batteries, helps with early power/dupe time

3. Advanced research Branch

4. Grooming Station Branch

5. Electrolyzer Branch, for power/oxygen. Use this to make power/oxy generation a breeze.



6. Rock Crusher, to get refined metals

6.5 optionally go for fire poles and use a cycle to invest in infrastructure, this might help with mobility and airflow to avoid a carbon death. or use a door compressor/bead pump to take care of carbon for now (see topic below).

7. Gas Pump, Automation Wire, Hydrogen Generator, and a Smart Battery, you need all of these to set up automated power.

8. Now we can finally go with Incubators. Here are two builds for automating incubators and limiting their power draw.





You should get done with all of this around cycles 40-50, at which point you should look into ramping your consumption now that you have food and oxygen. You can always get dupes with binge eater to speed up the process, but sometimes this is not needed. Now for a math example. Starting with 5 dupes on cycle 51. Figuring out how many dupes you can add before cycle-100: 100-51/3 = 16.33 or just 21 total dupes. How many units will they consume: 3 * (5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21) = 663 total units of food. This exceeds the needed 400 by a bit. A few final notes. 1st, Always cook your meat. 2nd, baby critters cannot defend themselves when attacked and will drop the same amount of meat...I am not implying anything, that is just a fact.

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17 hours ago, Grimgaw said:

Rime perhaps? Due to lack of initial critters.

" lack of initial critters." I didn't play rime (too powerful heatsink planet for me) but wiki says that you lack drecko and slicksters only.

And for Carnivore you probably need only hatches, ev pacus.

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I just got the achievement on Rime, while you may not get slicksters, pacu or dreckos, you do get tons of hatches, which works just fine once you get them set up.
My strategy involved using 4 incubators and 3 ranches, along with the occasional voles and pacu packages. To get the eating done, I relied on my binge eater, who I locked in a room with terrible décor, no sleep, no breaks of any kind and had him stress out as much as possible to trigger his binges and deplete my BBQ.


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This was one of the tougher achievements for me. Tried pacu & other critters to no avail, tried rush ranching hatches - it all seemed too slow, but admittedly i have mostly played on No Sweat, so I had a learning curve on food, failed a few times simply because I wasn't making mush fries

In the end the run that I got it, was one where I rushed tech to get atmosuit and hunt for shove voles, with them being 16,000 cal worth, 5 of those = 80,000 cal. It adds up quick!

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2 hours ago, beowulf2010 said:

Wouldn't No Sweat actually make it harder for Carnivore since your dupes eat less food per cycle?

Yes and no, if you can keep up with oxygen generation and carbon dioxide emissions, then you can get more dupe power.

Also, I noticed a few things after I posted this, but didn't know to fix. some of the ordering on the research is incorrect, but it was of a suggestion than a hard guideline anyways, just don't read into it too much :apthy:

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