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Greatest hotkey ever

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So I have an idea that's so good it should be put into the game immediately. A "Return to build orders" hotkey. I suggest the backquote key (aka tilde) as the default bind for this function.

Two very very common situations where having this hotkey would save a lot of frustration and time:

  1. You're planning a pipe run but misclick and make a mistake. So you press C to fix it, cancel the wrong orders, then you press ESC and you're back at main view. And then you either have to dig through the building menus to get back to where you were, or click on a tile (multiple times!) to find the type of pipe you were working on so you can press B. Grr! Wouldn't it be nice to just be able to just press tilde and continue on your merry way?
  2. You're planning on building something, but you need to move the map a bit. Which is right-click drag. But right-click is also cancel. So pretty often you're right-click drag... right-click drag... accidentally just right-click.. GRR! Tilde to the rescue!

Please, for my sanity, for my base, for my dupes! Make this happen!

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What the (default) button is doesn't really matter if it's just bindable. Backquote is bit weird button for many keyboard layouts. And personal preference would be on backspace/tab. Backspace is more logical but tab is closer to wasd where my hand already is on. But anyway basically the idea is to have "go back on tool selection" feature. This is something I constantly miss myself.

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I'd suggest the "go back on tool selection" key, being pressed several times, would let us switch between that last two or three tools: 

Pressed once it selects the last tool.

Pressed the second time it selects the pre-last tool.

It'll be more helpful. E.g. when building a pipeline placing pipes then bridge then pipes again and one more bridge...

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Might be missing something, but I feel the underlying idea is that when you are, let's say, ordering liquid pipes to be constructed and make one line slightly too far, you hit "C" to cancel the build order for that erroneous segment. There, as far as I know, is no way to return directly to continuing to issue liquid pipes to be built. You have to hit escape to cancel the "Cancel Order" tool, then either click on the "Build Liquid Pipe" tool or click on (or click perhaps as many as 7 clicks based on a quick count) to get to the layer to select an existing order/building to hit "B" to copy/continue issuing build orders on that layer. It would be nice to have either the "Esc" or an alternative button (perhaps "Grave/Tilde" since it's right next to "Esc") return you to the prior overlay/order. Even the ability to bind the various categories of "Build" would be great

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