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Wormwood Changes & Skins for DST

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With recent light on Wormwood coming to DST, I have had several ideas for changes and his skins.

1. Fire

I believe Wormwood should smolder before catching ablaze before burning like everything else in DST, and since poop can be used to smother items that are smoldering, I think Wormwood should be able to fertilize himself with poop to stop the smoldering. I think it would add a way to be able to manage his tendency to burst into flames without having to inconvenience his teammates by burning down the base. This doesn't mean poop should stop fire if he is on fire, but it should stop smoldering just so if you catch it early you're fine.

2. Existing items

Wormwoods poison balm could be re-purposed in some way, I'm not sure how exactly but I'm sure there's a way.

3. Skins

I assume his skins will all be very unique, but please, please, use his old design for a skin. A majority of the assets are there already. It would be such a good way to use his old design, and a lot of people enjoy it so why not include it? It would personally gaurentee a purchase of a skin if they do use it.


Also here is Wormwoods old model sheet for anybody who hasn't seen its glory yet.


 (Ignore the third arm and what appears to be a third horn)


Note: Any ideas in the member suggestions section may or may not mirror my own opinions. I merely put them there so if any devs or influential figures were to see the post, it has a better chance of being considered. I also summarize the suggestions. 

=Member Suggestions Section!=

Suggestion By: Viktor234

Let Poison Balm be a treatment against disease.

Suggestion By: ShadowDuelist

His healing item (Compost wrap) should be able to be used as fertilizer to instantly grow farms or bushes.

Give his armor the same durability as a battle helmet, and make it protect 100% of damage from picking cacti, spiky bushes, or roses.

Let his traps do more damage to compensate with DST mobs HP.

Make his lose sanity for damage done to plants radius a lot smaller so Wormwood players don't get screwed.

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10 minutes ago, Viktor234 said:

It could act as a treatment against diseasing.

Good idea! I'll make a section in the post that Suggests that, I'll make sure to credit your name too. Mainly doing it so if its viewed by a dev or something it'll have a better chance to be seen.

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I hope some of his other existing items get a buff too, since some would be inneficient with dst mechanics: 


- His healing item could be both healing for him (I'd raise its hp restored to 30) And maybe a fertilizer that instantly grows farms or bushes, given that it wouldnt make sense for other players to use it for hp (its poop, rot and nitrate... if you are not a plant and put that on a wound, you will have a bad time..)

- His armor should have more durability than a log suit (same durability as a battle helmet), 80% protection (same as a log suit) and the spiky aoe damage to melee attackers (currently in Hamlet it has a tiny durability and only 60% protection, but in ds armor stacks, in dst it doesnt). Its far more expensive to make than a log suit, and there are no spiky vines on dst, it would make sense that its a better log suit to attract other players to also use it (much like wigfrid's helmets). It could also protect 100% from the damage dealt by picking cactii and spiky bushes, or roses, as a tiny buff.

- His traps could also deal more damage as dst mobs have a lot more hp, and overall they are slightly more expensive to make than a regular tooth trap (they cost living logs. Despite the fact he can grow living logs for hp, its still a valuable material and the other players will want to use those for dark swords too). They could deal the same damage of a tooth trap, with the AOE they have on hamlet.


Also about his sanity perk related to plants, maybe to avoid griefing towards wormwood players, the radious that damages his sanity when he witness plant abuse, should be a lot smaller. That way a woodie working nearby, or a random player burning a forest, wont instantly get you insane if you move away a bit, and this con will mostly affect you based on your actions towards plants, and not because of random careless players around you.

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3 hours ago, BoxFace said:

With recent light on Wormwood coming to DST, I have had several ideas for changes and his skins.

1. Fire

I believe Wormwood should smolder before catching ablaze before burning like everything else in DST, and since poop can be used to smother items and stop them from burning, I think Wormwood should be able to fertilize himself with poop to stop the smoldering. I think it would add a way to be able to manage his tendency to burst into flames without having to inconvenience his teammates by burning down the base. This doesn't mean poop should stop fire if he is on fire, but it should stop smoldering just so if you catch it early you're fine.

2. Existing items

Wormwoods poison balm could be re-purposed in some way, I'm not sure how exactly but I'm sure there's a way.

3. Skins

I assume his skins will all be very unique, but please, please, use his old design for a skin. A majority of the assets are there already. It would be such a good way to use his old design, and a lot of people enjoy it so why not include it? It would personally gaurentee a purchase of a skin if they do use it.


Also here is Wormwoods old model sheet for anybody who hasn't seen its glory yet.



=Member Suggestions Section!=

Suggestion By: Viktor234

Let Poison Balm be a treatment against disease.

where did you hear that poop can be used to smother fire? I've always believed that since fire can be fueled with poop that the poop would just burn up instantly or make the fire bigger

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1 hour ago, AceTheMartyr said:

where did you hear that poop can be used to smother fire? I've always believed that since fire can be fueled with poop that the poop would just burn up instantly or make the fire bigger

I didn't say fire, I said to prevent items from burning. You can use poop on smoldering things to stop smoldering without taking Damage. I also just now edited the post so it doesn't confuse anyone else.

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