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Suggestions: Dupe Rally Point and Signal Counter Sensor

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I've got like, tonnes of ideas for this game - as I'm sure we all do. Plant growing germs, paint, water treatment plant, drains, rework of the plumbing system, gravitas zombies... list goes on. For automation however! I think there needs to be a few more tools in the basket before release.

1. Dupe Rally Point (Automation. Building). When the signal is active, nearby dupes are drawn to the device.

  • You can toggle all dupes or select certain dupes to be affected (similar to a door).
  • Has a limited but rather large range. Possibly works off 'room' logic.
  • Can be used to 'call in' dupes during a meteor shower.
  • Can be used to 'evacuate' a room if there is a germ breach.
  • Can be used to 'kite' dupes to certain areas whether to be for work, amazing races, slaughter pits (i don't know.)
  • Actually scratch that, I'm thinking this could be a 'smart' door. When active it tells dupes to run through the door or blocks certain dupes from going through.

2. Signal Counter Sensor (Automation. Building). Produces an active signal when a certain amount of active signals have been sent.

  • This has two inputs (a reset) and an output. Similar to a memory toggle. It has a number represented on it that incrementally goes up and you chose when the active signal is on. 
  • Being a building, it can't be placed behind objects. This is because of the counter display.
  • Counts up to 99. Players will probably daisy chain them to create arrays to count higher than 99.
  • Can be used to count dupes leaving an area.
  • Can be used to 'measure' the flow of a pipe or vent. (If it detects fluid or gas for each tick it will go up).
  • Can be used to count days with a clock sensor. You might d/c power to or unlock doors for a geyser. 

These two items would add great value and allow a lot more creative options for automating.


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I remember a suggestion for a dupe lure too keep them safe as well as one for an evac siren to keep them away. Those would be really useful for controlling how and where they move without the need of micro managing them. Special restrictions so it affects only selected dupes would be nice as well.

As for a counter i`d like if there was a reliable way to count dupes passing by (weight plates don`t recognize 2 dupes close by and can get activated by random debris dropped). It would help with some access restrictions without using exosuits.

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2 hours ago, Sasza22 said:

I remember a suggestion for a dupe lure too keep them safe as well as one for an evac siren to keep them away. Those would be really useful for controlling how and where they move without the need of micro managing them. Special restrictions so it affects only selected dupes would be nice as well.

Could be interesting if the alarm is bound to a room. It will give a small prerequisites, so that we can't, for example, evacuate duplicants from the surface. If duplicants gets out when meteors are falling, I think it's our fault not to manage correctly the access to the surface. :)


4 hours ago, SharraShimada said:

There is already a mod on Steam providing counters for automation. They reset themselves if the amount x is achieved.

There may be a mod for that. But it doesn't mean that devs can't add it to the game, so that players won't have to download the mod. ;)

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