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Nettles Not Blooming

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As the title states, I have a slight problem. I am nearing the end of Humid Season, but NONE of the Nettles have bloomed yet. I have been told that they bloom during Humid Season, but the closest they’ve come to doing so is a kind of “half bloom” with tiny leaves. When I examine them, Maxwell says “must be all that water”, but I can’t harvest them. And I know they aren’t “not” blooming, because if they weren’t at all then Maxwell would simply say “useful” upon examination. Would someone tell me how to make Nettles bloom?

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Nettles are so broken right now. It needs water to bloom. But even in humid season, if the rain stops, it will go back to unbloom state. So it basically means you are not guaranteed to get the wild grown nettles before lush season. So you have to make a sprinkler to keep them wet all the time. But currently it is very hard to find a good spot for sprinkler. It needs to be close to water and rain forest. And it requires a blue gem, which is not guaranteed to get. Klei devs have to come up with a better nettle farming strategy. 

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You have 1/8th of a day (2 clock segments) after it stops raining before a maturely bloomed nettle will unbloom and reset it's growth cycle. So you have to be kinda vigilant if you aren't using a sprinkler, and a little even if you are.

I'm pretty sure having a valid sprinkler location (jungle next to pond) is required in world gen, but it won't necessarily be in a convenient spot. I try to make my out-of-town base close to one of those spots, and move a bunch of nettles over there quickly even before a sprinkler so that if I don't have one in time, I can still get a decent humid season harvest.

But yeah, if you're really unlucky and all the stalagmites+bfb's nest don't give you a red and blue gem, you have to smash a billion pots... thankfully that seems rare. But it does happen.

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On 12/10/2018 at 5:17 AM, Tumalu said:

You have 1/8th of a day (2 clock segments) after it stops raining before a maturely bloomed nettle will unbloom and reset it's growth cycle. So you have to be kinda vigilant if you aren't using a sprinkler, and a little even if you are.

I'm pretty sure having a valid sprinkler location (jungle next to pond) is required in world gen, but it won't necessarily be in a convenient spot. I try to make my out-of-town base close to one of those spots, and move a bunch of nettles over there quickly even before a sprinkler so that if I don't have one in time, I can still get a decent humid season harvest.

But yeah, if you're really unlucky and all the stalagmites+bfb's nest don't give you a red and blue gem, you have to smash a billion pots... thankfully that seems rare. But it does happen.

i totally agree... most world gen aren't very generous with the water distribution close to deep jungle turf... Moreover, sprinklers are extremely babysitting intensive... a full sprinkler charge lasts only one day ... but if you missed the recharge they go back to their original state and even if you get a good enough spot, deep jungle turf generates a lot of tiny invisible boxes that make placement a real pain :/

I hope klei has a rework to either the turf to make it replantable or to reduce the invisible boxes created by the vegetation in deep jungle turf to facilitate placement.... or to give the option to allow more costly charges for the sprinkler that last more days... at least 4.. so u can at least do some adventuring without having to babysit every single day.

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On the upside, once you move all the nettles over, you can easily get all the nettles for an entire lush season from one harvest. I like to use Humid season; turn it on after it stops raining, then it'll naturally start raining again... it makes it a bit easier. But I always always make my out-of-town base near one of the valid sprinkler farm spots.

The little plants aren't invisible but it's unfortunately there's nothing you can do about them. Definitely annoying when you see a good spot that's ruined by tons of little plants.

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