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  2. Floracrane's Divebeak doesn't count as an attack, therefore it gains additional damage from lil' schemer perk infinitely, and you should not be able to dodge out of the stun after doing the attack because that enables spamming it.
  3. 2024-04-26 18-35-07 - Trim.mp4 Cha cha real smooth PS. Bug report requires Oxygoen Not Included Logs, so I added them. Removing the requirement would be appreciated
  4. they should fix the community instead because people keep finding easy and unfun strats and complaining about them being unfun instead of trying to find better strats, i haven't seen anyone who tried fighting CK by rowing, killing claws, placing new boats and cancelling heal by starting to hold F at the right time/using bees and said that the fight is still extremely bad probably same people that get a lot of weather pains/glass axes and weapons that aren't ham bat for toadstool, use weather pains/brightshade staff, lazy explorer and nightmare amulet for FW, a wall and a pan flute for dfly and pan flutes for BQ as all characters new AG is extremely boring and the hardest part about the fight with low damage is not falling asleep, i'd cheese it if that would've been possible, would've at least got a few mins to do something fun after putting something onto F button
  5. I don't know what your talking about but there is still only 5 slots
  6. tbf your claim is also subjective but i see what you mean bro. however, when the majority of the playerbase hates a fight I think klei should look into reworking it. i haven't seen a single content creator or fellow player enjoy crab king before you. almost every boss tier list or ranking has crab king dead last alongside the toadstool brothers and malbatross. my experiences alone cannot define the entire playerbase but its clear to me that more ppl hate it than not. similarly, not everyone but the vocal majority of the playerbase hated the old ancient guardian fight and chose to cheese it over interacting with its intended mechanics. klei reworked it and now i don't see anyone cheesing the fight because its so fun and simple. some rework like ancient guardian would be nice; uses the original mechanics of the boss but makes them more fun and less of a slog.
  7. this is completely subjective, imo crab king is overhated and pretty fun once you learn to counter its attacks no offense to the mod creator but this fight seems atrocious, I know crab king has a lot of issues but this fight only fixes them by neutering the associated mechanics entirely
  8. seems to be caused by wilson's beard growing, probably crashes because of extra equip slots
  9. This is because the regular gourdos spawn much less often then the imbued guys in the later frenzy levels, I'm having trouble upgrading my gourdo gear due to this massive bottleneck. Can the drop at least be guranteed from the regular gourdos? Thanks!
  10. I can see your point. But isn't water/resource/labor management a matter of playstyle and difficulty/asteroid? It's not we couldn't afford an alternative for blossoms and wheat, use farm stations or spread different food types for duplicants to save water. The game throws enough at you. Also, I like to see my dupes working - it's cute and they serve their purpose: labour. Again, it's a matter of playstyle.
  11. Today
  12. is a boss requiring practice automatically bad? he's fun, assuming that you're rowing instead of freezing him and have enough dps to kill the claws, it's only an issue with how much hp they have if you don't have a damage multiplier https://youtu.be/14J6W_SWggc you can get a few bees to not need to do the heal cancel yourself and fight along with them done, but everyone think that weather pains and ice staves are the only way because they haven't tried rowing and getting minions for heal cancel those are the problems, although you can still use a few oranges without his stats changing and you can use blues instead of purples if you have too few purples and 2 yellows might've been viable if it wouldn't have been bugged why do people only try doing it using 1 strat and then complain about it not being fun? ice staves and bees aren't required it's not even remotely similar to CK, that's just another boss that isn't really related
  13. A note on this - the first time I've gone for these was on a baator map, and I got locavore before even properly spinning up the ranches, just from having dupes eat mush fries to tie them over. On the subject of meat farms - looking at the current options, I think it's possible and even desirable to stay away from meat-producing ranches. I still get meat from ranches that focus on resource production/conversion (dreckos, pufts), but on that baator map I'm in the middle of walling off and consolidating the base, and the hatch ranches will not survive the make-over. Pacu omelettes for everyone, until I secure renewable salt water, then mushroom quiche. I've been in the sludge-or-bust camp for distant planetoid/rocket food, but I might give the dehydrator a try if I manage to spin up mushroom quiche (and radbolt) production quickly.
  14. I think the weirdest thing about CK is that it really doesn't make use of any actual sailing mechanics. Sure, there are some strategies that utilize being able to attack while the boat keeps moving inorder to deal with the arms. And obviously the geyser attack is instant death with how many leaks it puts in your boat. But for the most part fighting CK legitimately just means standing in one place and using a ton of ice staves to prevent the geyser attack. It doesn't help that we got some new tools that would be perfect in the CK fight a while later with the Curse of the Moon Quey update. And you know what? sure, I can accept cannonballs just bouncing off him. Not like it would be the easiest way to cheese him anyways. But come on. Using bumpers to defend against the imposing claws would be absolutely perfect. Just direct any damage they inflict to the bumper if they grab one, and then deal damage to the boat if they break. But nope! The Crab Claws just instantly break the bumpers and go right for the boat. It's obscene. I miiight have mentioned this before, but @O_Atoba_Azul did God's work and reworked the CK fight to fix all these issues, turning it from the single worst fight in the game; bar maybe Misery Toadstool; to something genuinly exhilerating and fun.
  15. Before everyone calls this a skill issue for op, Crab King just isn't fun. Videogames are supposed to be fun. Crab King is similar to Bee Queen in the sense that cheese is the only way to beat the boss or with an obscene amount of resources. At least Bee Queen has great loot, replayability, and isn't such a drag to find and fight. Crab King has awful loot. I've legit neve seen anyone use the trident and for being such a difficult/resource intensive boss it's awful. The only purpose he serves is to fight another boss, which is something the shadow pieces suffer from but to a lesser extent. The two things Klei needs to fix or rework are: - Make the boss fun and make ways to beat it without cheesing or using a ton of resources. - Make other gem combinations besides purple viable. - Make the boss loot actually good and not just progression you need to fight another boss.
  16. Just practice the boss with rollbacks until you can't feel anything anymore, bro. /s
  17. it was so fun playing with the mother treek set and striker, just roots and balls flying and damaging everything
  18. If your friends have a HP problem in the Molded Grave, try this armor sets. You can heal all your teammates' hp by 8 every seconds using only 1 point of your hp, while standing on the poison. Note that your friend should stand close to you! Poison DMG = -30 every seconds Wollusk Helmet Lv.3 = +21 every seconds Mothball Fur Leggings Lv.3 = additional +8 healing every seconds Gourdo Vest Lv.3 = Heals your teammates' hp by 8 every seconds Also, the Wollusk Hauberk can create the poison pool, so there can be other possible combinations outside of the Molded grave.
  19. I am very sorry for replying so late but I wasn't able to find a helpful tutorial on how to do that. I am very sorry I'm very new in this modding stuff and I am not definetely not the brightest sorry
  20. you can row away from geysers btw, the only problem is killing claws if your dps is low, you can cancel the heal using a few bees or by starting to hold F at the right time even when solo to sync your attacks with the heal windows
  21. Crab King continues to be the most unplayable boss in this game, and is the CHOKE POINT in the Celestial Champion route. PLEASE FIX this fight to involve the environment or SOMETHING that DOESNT REVOLVE AROUND BEE CHEESE METHODS.
  22. Is there a mod that exists that mutes the eating sound? I have a friend who really likes the game but has Misophonia so the eating sound makes them uncomfortable. If there is not a mod, could it be made easily?
  23. Hi, hello everyone I have some problem with my long going world which is at 1150 days. When night is turning to day i suddenly freeze and i am getting disconected. It is my solo world. I am useing some mods but all of them are updated. I checked the integration of the game files but it is still going. I have tried skipping a day with console comands but it allways gets the same result. In attachment i am sending server logs which are written in some kind of elvish which i cant read... Can anyone help me?server_log.txt
  24. are you saying that the just 5 world slots added is still low ( we now have 10), or did you not see the update ?
  25. There is no other piece of paper in the package, nor on the package. I suspect that it will be sent to my email, but I have not received it yet
  26. there are many people that have played for a lot of time are still bad, it's easily noticeable on the forums too, since some people still think that meatballs and pierogi are efficient
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