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Lazy water desinfection

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Since our last patch it has some worth to have a supply of germ-free water (to feed the espresso machine and water cooler).

So there are many ways to kill germs but nothing sounds easier than to maintain than just a long pipe ;)

(Germs die in (non polluted) water, so it´s just a matter of time till my water would be germ-free)


If I want to feed germy water from my lavatories to a water sieve and want to consume it afterwards, what would be the best way to do it ?

- Just build a really long pipe

- Maybe split the packets into smaller ones (manual valve) and merge them afterwards

Does it make a difference if I only consume 1kg/s with a pipe carrying 1kg packets or consume 1kg/s and my pipe carries full10kg packets ?


Maybe some of you have started tinkering with something similar and you could give me some information about how long my pipes need to be^^

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Waiting for germs to die is a bad idea : It will take forever and anyway as soon as you add some germy water you need to start again... Though, i've never tried to let it die in packets of 10 Kg in pipes. Maybe it's more efficient than in a tank?

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2 hours ago, Lilalaunekuh said:

Does it make a difference if I only use 1kg of a pipe carrying 1kg packets or use 1kg of a pipe carrying 10kg packets ?

Sorry, I don't get this part of question. 1kg of pipe?

I did test splitting germy water in CU. In that test, I split into 10 valves 0.1 kg each (throughput total only 1 kg/s). No germ after valves. I never try a bigger valve. Probably this is because there is a limit how many germs can live in certain amount of water (overcrowded).

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The water leaves my sieve with ~10k germs (max ~15k germs) and close to my espresso machine the water contains just ~2k germs (max ~4k).

So if I would preselect some packets after my water sieve using a in-pipe germ sensor (only needs a power grid connection, but it doesn´t use power right now^^) and send them in the right direction it should be possible to reach a really low germ count.


My current setup got a long pipe filled with water and a low consumption, but I´m not sure if this is a good setup to desinfect my water.

(Splitting packets and remerging them afterwards could kill some germs thanks to some rounding errors^^)


1 minute ago, abud said:
2 hours ago, Lilalaunekuh said:

Does it make a difference if I only use 1kg of a pipe carrying 1kg packets or use 1kg of a pipe carrying 10kg packets ?

Sorry, I don't get this part of question. 1kg of pipe?

I did test splitting germy water in CU. In that test, I split into 10 valves 0.1 kg each (throughput total only 1 kg/s). No germ after valves. I never try a bigger valve. Probably this is because there is a limit how many germs can live in certain amount of water (overcrowded)

It´s always about overcrowding and how the germ-count is handled if I split some packets.

My question was about handling a low water consumption:

If I only consume 1kg/s, it´s like a 1kg packet would travel through all of my pipe segments in order, so would it be better if it was always moving 1/10 of the germ count of the current pipe segment to the next segment (normal pipe filled 10kg packets of water) or if my 1kg packet would travel without interacting with other water packets along the way.


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Something that I'm experimenting a bit with in my own survival games is using the fact that the different germs of slimelung and food poisoning fight each other and ultimately can actually clean the water the polluted water that they're in, completely. Slimelung just has to win in the end.

More than once, I've noticed that my septic tank with hundreds cycles' worth of pw becomes completely germ free. I don't know under which circumstances it happens, but I've earlier had a compactor with 10T of polluted dirt and 10T of slime in a pool of pw filled with FP, where I dropped the slime out of the compactor into the pool and instantly killed all the millions of slimelung germs on the slime. I'm currently experimenting whether this could be used to do some kind of lazy self-cleaning filter.

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2 hours ago, Carnis said:

How does The water cooler work?

Dupes will carry water to the "water cooler" (10kg) and they will consume 1kg of water each day, if they have enough break time.

(But dupes will add food poisoning germs inside their drink to their own germ count.)

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5 minutes ago, Lilalaunekuh said:

Dupes will carry water to the "water cooler" (10kg) and they will consume 1kg of water each day, if they have enough break time.

(But dupes will add food poisoning germs inside their drink to their own germ count.)

mine always stay empty, wonder which priority fills it? I have 2 coolers for 4 shifts of 12, so surely 2 x10kg should be enough for 12 dupes.

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