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Don't eat all the eggs...

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I'm struggling to work out a way in which my dupes don't "accidentally" eat a species into extinction in my current setup... 

I'm currently trying to use paku to make omelettes and build up egg shells for later on; Ideally I'd like "enough" eggs to be left in the tank for them to maintain their numbers and "excess" eggs to be cracked and turned into tasty tasty dupe nommmmms :D


I'm just not seeing it, the incubator looks to be an entirely manual affair and the egg cracker just keeps going if it's set to continuous. 


I don't have the stuff under "shipping" yet, but again the egg cracker would just take everything that's stored in there? or am I missing some way to compare the storage numbers?

I get the auto-wrangle / auto-abattoir room setups to acquire meat (poor, poor sage hatches :shock:) but I'm after the eggs specifically for lime.

Any pointers?



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9 minutes ago, LeftyRighty said:

Any pointers?

I use this design for all of my ranches, it is a bit juvenile at the moment but since your dupes cannot get to all areas I assume it would work for pacus as well, currently I use it for dreckos, hatches and pufts


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2 hours ago, AndreyKl said:

Unfortunately there is no 'auto-wrangle' variation for eggs yet.

Sure there is. It involves auto-sweepers, smart storage and automation.


To expand, the most basic design is a storage compactor, an auto-sweeper, and a smart storage. Dupes load the eggs into the smart storage 1 at a time. The auto-sweeper goes to put it into the compactor, emptying the smart storage. This disables the automation signal, making the sweeper drop the egg.

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My solution is to have two ranches, one as a stable breeding population, and one for egg production. Auto-wrangle critters from the former to the latter. Use an auto-sweeper to move eggs in the second ranch to an inaccessible to dupes storage compactor. When eggs become inviable, they automatically crack themselves, producing eggshells and fresh raw egg, so you can auto-sweep those onto a second conveyor into accessible storage containers.

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Make an eggdropper with weightplate. Make The fishfry flop Back to The pool.




D: DEFINE YOUR # OF REPLACEMENT EGGS, SET THIS NUMBER X weight of eggs as trigger for weightplate.

E: When weightplate = true, C SWEEPER turns on continously, stops dropping eggs. LOADS on conveyor, to The egg cracker.

F: do not allow dupe access on weight plate. Have weightplate outside Stable, If using Stable, separate with open pneumatic door so fry can flop Back in.

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