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Priority System is Backwards

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I seriously just killed off majority of my colony because for some odd reason this game believes that #9 is the highest priority. Is this some sort of cultural thing? Top priority should be #1 not #9. That's just the weirdest thing I've ever seen within a game. Not user-friendly at all.

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Its more intuitive when urgency follows an ascending order, because the most urgent tasks have to be done first. Usually numbered lists of things begin with no1, as far as I know. :? 

On the other hand, its not difficult to get used to a reverse system like the one ingame once you know it.


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I can understand the logic that drew you to the conclusion that #1 priority should be highest priority, but @Coolthulhu is correct that higher # equates to higher priority more intuitively. It's also a bit late to revert, as ONI has a massive following and userbase that would have a hard time adjusting for such a needless inversion of a basic UI element.

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