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The game is unplayable , that force to loose the game

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ill get one when i get back. BTW its the same problem due to which you turned off your cooling system in your video. The aqua tuner were cooling the oil too much due to drip bug. 

My design was inspired by your design but i decided not to use the aqua tuner but the use the AETN

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@Tab1 it is not mainly due to the drip bug, but due to the fixed output temperatures in combination with the aquatuners.. If i would turn of the aqua-tuners but keep circulating everything else (including the said dripping) temperature in the oil would go up rather quickly, in fact that is exactly what I did when the system was running to cold...


I do think I can guess why your system froze. Nullifiers are usually situated in really cold biomes. If you did not use abyssalite in the pipes leading up to the Nullifier the cold in the biome itself could have been enough (even thought it eventually would have heated up)

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I can only assume the Oil tank being used was edged in Abyssalite.  If any of that Abyssalite came from the edges of the Cold Biome (likely, since it would have been built near the AETN for cooling purposes), then what probably happened is the Abyssalite tile directly above the Oil's Liquid Vent was very cold.  Is that not the primary trigger for the heat deletion bug?  Or did I misunderstand when I read in a different post how the heat deletion bug works...

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19 minutes ago, PhailRaptor said:

I can only assume the Oil tank being used was edged in Abyssalite.  If any of that Abyssalite came from the edges of the Cold Biome (likely, since it would have been built near the AETN for cooling purposes), then what probably happened is the Abyssalite tile directly above the Oil's Liquid Vent was very cold.  Is that not the primary trigger for the heat deletion bug?  Or did I misunderstand when I read in a different post how the heat deletion bug works...

Not exactly, but there are probably better explanations on how it works already on the forum than I can give here in short text. But If he had the tank built in the cold biome that would also be a reason the oil froze, also constructing with cold tiles  would cool down the oil over time until the tiles heat up. But in short. If you not actively abuse the bug in combination with something that do cool down the liquid like an aquatuner there is no chance it would cool down oil enough to cause a freeze when piped through hot water... without any type of cooling temperatures would go up over time in a closed loop (with a tank in the middle)  through hot water, bug or no bug...

If he indeed found a way for the oil to cool itself enough to cause hot water to freeze through only pumping it around and dripping it down in a tank, then I would be most interested to know how because I am quite certain that would be something even Saturnus have no idea how to make.

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Apologies for breaking up the discussion about exploits, but I wanted to say that I'm currently experiencing a game-breaking bug of my own.  I don't know if it's related to the vague problems TC is hinting at, but my dupes, regardless of Strength, only deliver 261.1 mg of food per delivery.  This means lots of rotting food and a rapidly diminishing food stock.

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You're on friggin asteroid where you'd have very cold hot or stable temperature in whole thing.

If you'd be too close to star you'd have one side hot and the other cold, that would change during rotation or would be tide locked.

Or you'd have balanced where hottest temperature would be just right, but you still get cold side!

Lastly you are far from sun and every damn side is cold, by cold I mean solid oxygen cold.

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