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Having tried out a few early game strategies since the new update I've got a decent way to get food going and started a new map to see how it goes.
But as seen in the picture Ive been pretty lucky and scored both Steam geysers within the starting zone at the bottom of my base.

This is obviously a great find as I can get a steam turbine and unlimited water early game however, I am slightly concerned about digging into the areas as I'm not sure how I should build to prepare for a massive rise in temperature once I do.
Some suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

World Seed is 1893274208 if anybody wants it for themselves


NB I have a thing about building symmetrical colonies



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you don't know much about the steam turbine do you? lol

my suggestion is to not dig into the geysers until your 2/3rd out of your starting water.  Set up a room were you store all your CO2 that's been building in your base and use a carbon skimmer and water sieve to pump water from the geysers. they will bring the temp down to 40C.  Then a pair of aquatuners should bring it down to 15C

Forget steam turbines look for natural gas geysers!

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As long as you don't actually drain the steam geysers they'll stop producing heat. Just use your starting water for now to keep your base cool. Eventually you should find some ice biomes and they have a worts and nullifiers that can help.

The steam turbine was changed from the early beta. So that isn't practical for anything but late game now.

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18 minutes ago, Neotuck said:

you don't know much about the steam turbine do you? lol




15 minutes ago, zzKratoszz said:


The steam turbine was changed from the early beta. So that isn't practical for anything but late game now.

Nope i just saw hot waterand though ooo shiny thanks for the info



20 minutes ago, Neotuck said:


my suggestion is to not dig into the geysers until your 2/3rd out of your starting water.  Set up a room were you store all your CO2 that's been building in your base and use a carbon skimmer and water sieve to pump water from the geysers. they will bring the temp down to 40C.  Then a pair of aquatuners should bring it down to 15C


OK I'll build up something like that and start a coal plant to get some power whilst looking for those gas geysers

Thanks for the info

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3 hours ago, LionovsKingkong said:


OK I'll build up something like that and start a coal plant to get some power whilst looking for those gas geysers

Thanks for the info

More often than not you don't need gas geysers early on for power. Just turning your polluted water into fertilizer and natural gas produces plenty of generator fuel.

The ratio of fertilizer makers to gas generators is 3:1 as in 3 fertilizer makers fuel 1 generator, further this 1 generator will fuel 0.45 of a fertilizer maker with its output and on top of that you can scale it up even more by converting CO2 and water into polluted water. 1 pump constantly pumping polluted water can fuel 66 fertilizer makers, which is obviously too much but you get the point: Polluted water is really powerful.

In comparison a gas geyser will fuel about 3-4 generators initially which you then scale up with the above explained recursive scaling.

So if you have even a small amount of polluted water or natural gas you end up having more power than you need for the mid to late game as long as you use automation to preserve your inputs when you don't need power.

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@clickrush I always automate my gas generators to smart batteries and I also use bridges to make my natural gas geysers feed my gas line before the fertilizer room.

This basically is making me have a rapidly filling polluted water tank so I’m going to need a compressor to hold it all.

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5 minutes ago, BT_20 said:

@clickrush I always automate my gas generators to smart batteries and I also use bridges to make my natural gas geysers feed my gas line before the fertilizer room.

This basically is making me have a rapidly filling polluted water tank so I’m going to need a compressor to hold it all.

That is why I started to avoid using gas geysers before I need them. The recursive scaling is just ridiculous. Allthough they are an alternative to steam geysers because they provide the power and the material to create water.

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