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I love this game but

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After you get the steam and natural gas geyser under control and pumping out endless power and water, that's kinda where I just hit the exit button.  Game is missing something, perhaps like rimworld... raids of monsters?  Random Disasters?  I just cannot get past 300 cycles, which is about when you have all the content on lockdown and just randomly digging until I guess the map is empty with nothing but you base?  Love this game, perhaps just too much ONI no life playing and need a break lol.

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I completely agree with you. I get to the point where i've tackled energy and the Heat-boss and then i lose interest and end up starting a new colony. I've never even built a tepidizer or aqua tuner yet because i've had everything under control by a certain point. Basically by the time i have around 20+ well trained dupes, things get completed so quickly that if i dont end up just having them strip-mine most of the map they all sit around idling. They just end up digging solely to keep them occupied as all my basic needs are met.

My self-challenge now is to stay with an established base and build out some of the more advanced systems and machines like turning crude into natural gas.

Edit to add: the colony before this one, I rolled a seed that was mostly caustic biomes surrounding the starting biome and none of them were fully contained in abyssalite so the core started heating up immediately -- that was a frikken challenge!

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At some points it misses your creativity, you have to come up with an idea that you've never done in the game before.

If your colony's stable, you're not doing it right :D make something new, make something weird, make something that challenges the colony;

And if none of that is possible, make a new game.

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2 minutes ago, GrindThisGame said:

Taking a break can be a good option :) You could also try:

- hardest settings

- helicona map

- challenge maps

- accept every dupe

- wait for the next update

- explore different set ups to test them against each other for ultimate compactness, lowest power consumption, highest decor etc

- test other people's builds yourself to see if you can improve or break them.

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3 hours ago, GrindThisGame said:

Taking a break can be a good option :) 


3 hours ago, Saturnus said:

- explore different set ups to test them against each other for ultimate compactness, lowest power consumption, highest decor etc

I'd echo both GtG and Saturnus on this one. These two are currently very relevant to me...

I took a break from November. Didn't touch ONI after the tubular update because, well - quite honestly - performance changes aside, there was very little content to tinker with. I recently came back to ONI for a "refresher" playthrough before Februarys update, and holy balls does it feel good to be a  a newb again :D 

Currently doing an accept every dupe challenge, and after having the break i'd forgotten all the "cookie cutter starting builds" we all do, and had to go back to basics. I cooked my base, ran out of algae, murdered loads of dupes - It was heaven :D

Point is - sometimes familiarity breeds contempt. Those who constantly repeat the first 200-300 cycles, building the same builds, with the same number of dupes, same strategies and objectives - those people could benefit from a nice break between updates, and maybe some inspiration would strike them also... End game is what you make of it as ever. I like to try different builds every time I play - I must've played 50+ colonies in my ~1600 hours played, and I rarely revisit a build twice.

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