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Outhouses - Shutting off cleaning

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So, I'm trying to stop my dupes from cleaning my outhouses as morb spawners.  I was able to disable it before I saved and reloaded, but now I can't get my dupes to stop trying to plunge them.  They're priority 1 and I've got plenty of priority 4+ tasks, but they keep insisting on heading over to plunge it.  I set it to a high priority to be able to finally disable the buildings after my reload, but what do I have to disable to keep them from plunging them at all, since it keeps trying to on restarts?  It's not Maintenance, tried that already.

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As I said in the other topic, if you have enough tasks assigned, putting the outhouse with a low priority will work. When a morb have spawn, you can still set the priority to a normal priority with the priority tool, wait for all the outhouses to be cleaned. Then you put them back all in priority 1. It feels less cheaty than save/reload.

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I have the same problem, solved it with doors. What's interesting, is that they won't clean the toilet with priority 1 unless you load the game - then no matter what, they start with cleaning the toilet. Relying on that may be tricky though, as if you don't have enough exo suits and leave some of your dupes inside a developed base, they can run out of tasks pretty quickly and then they will go for tasks with the lowest priority. Also, morbs won't spawn if you don't load the game again. That's why I don't like this mechanic, as saving and loading are not tools of game itself.

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Dupes *really* want to clean those outhouses, even if they are priority 1. I found the only way to get them to stop was to watch closely then immediately disable them when they were "out of order". I'm testing out this setup: pYcU0qF.png


When all 3 are disabled I reenable them and quickly close off all access to the bathroom. Still waiting for morbs to spawn though and it's been 3 cycles. 

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