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Fertiliser and germs - It's like pulling contaminated teeth!

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I like a lot about the new update but some things with the germ system is like pulling teeth! For example to increase food yield (if you like a big colony like I do) then it is good to use farming or aquatic tiles. BUT poo from toilet makes contaminated fertiliser with makes contaminated farm tile etc etc. Is there any way to keep farm tiles free from contamination or are they obsolete now? Overall I think the medical system needed fleshing out but the way it has been done really is like pulling contaminated teeth.

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I haven't actually gotten to the point where I"m farming everything, but I did notice the phenomenon.

Which plants give better yield when fertilized now? I know that was a thing in the farming update, yes. But now it seems pointless, especially with mealwood - I was giving them the full treatment and still only getting 8 meal lice off them. Seems this is the intent given the info screen.

So I just use the planter boxes and increase my planting - did I miss something?

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The only plant that uses Fertilizer brand fertilizer is Sleet Wheat. At the moment it is heavily underpowered and there is no reason to farm it.

So it isn't the fertilizer that is causing this contamination, it's just that your dupes used contaminated dirt or clay. Clay can sometimes be very contaminated due to wonky germ population rules.

The farm tile doesn't contaminate the plant, though. Neither does contaminated slime contaminate the shrooms grown from it. The only thing that matters is that your dupes wash their hands before handling the fruit from the plants.

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I had germs on my plants and farm plots, I uprooted those plants and decontaminated the farm plots then moved the seeds into a chlorine chamber. I now keep fertiliser in chlorine. Chlorine is honestly the greatest.

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