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metrics data

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Metrics data is generally statistics, for example.

500 people brought our game and of that 500 only 150 played for more than 48 hrs.

The data is used by the company to determine what areas there game is doing well in and what areas need improvement.

To further elaborate on the above example, the developers would probably conclude that if there player base isn't spending very long playing the game then it must not be very engaging hence the need to work on making there game more engaging.

Hopefully that accurately explains to you what metrics data is and why it's useful.

Also worth noting this data will never be personal data as it is illegal for company's to collect that sort of data without your consent, it's just general stuff like play time, number of worlds created, typical time spent on each world.

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Yep, that's about right. We use the information to tell us how things are going. If people are playing more or less over various lengths of time. It helps us better understand what the effect of game changes are. Really, it's not much more than what Steamspy has. 

Beyond that, we need the information because if we were to partner with Microsoft or Sony or even a toy company (for example) or say a streaming service those numbers are extremely important for them to establish audience and the stuff they need to know in terms of their own marketing and if we are worth being interested in. However none of this is personally identifiable. So we would share aggregate data, but not player information.

You can check out our privacy policy here: https://www.klei.com/privacy-policy

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8 hours ago, JoeW said:

Really, it's not much more than what Steamspy has.

(emphasis mine) So you collect 'more'.
Could you please detail what exactly is collected and transmitted?

8 hours ago, JoeW said:

our privacy policy here: https://www.klei.com/privacy-policy

Which also dosn't contain an exact definition of what'll flow out of my machine.

Being on the topic of fine-print: why does the EULA for ONI need all the stuff that only makes sense for an online multiplayer (the parts about virtual currencies, cheating, ... and especially the 'Consent to Monitoring')?

In case you send anything, apart from a random GUID generated at install/first start of your application, enabling you to identify the system the game is running on (like MAC addresses, serial numbers of components/peripherals, ...) or the user (mail adresses, file paths containing the logon user name, ...) or anything outside the scope of your application (list of other running or installed software, or even worse) you're very much likely in violation of EU privacy laws - unless you explicitely asked for permission upfront, detailing the kind of information that you collect and transmit.

As I didn't recall a requester asking for my consent (possibly fine in the US, definitively not in the EU), I wiped the game from the system, deleted registry & stuff to assure a fresh install and reinstalled, still no requester and the option is on by default. This is outside the scope of what I deem acceptable behaviour of a software, paid for or free, running on my system (irrelevant of the connection attempt being denied by my firewall or not).

So I kindly ask you to add a requester prior to activating transmitting any data. Monitoring stuff active by default and without informing the user / requesting consent (windows 10 style) is imho a **** move and dosn't further (but undermines) trust in the party doing it.

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actually you did agree when you purchased/installed the game..

Requires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA



By accessing or using the Game you agree to be bound by this Agreement. If you do not agree to this Agreement, you may not access or use the Game.



We may use aggregate, non-identifiable information about Game players for promotional and advertising purposes.


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Many components of these EULA are completely (and rightfully) null and void where I live, our laws are yet to be perverted to the level of what's happening in other countries. YMMV.

All I ask for is to please simply show the exhaustive list of exactly what will be done and asking nicely if that's ok because it would help them. Can't be that hard to show a little decency toward the ones who give them the money...

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So this is not something "I" need to send you?  It gets sent automatically then?   And if not, when would you like me to send it?

From what I have just read it helps the developers, and I have no problem with that.


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