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Master server keeps crashing; illegal termination of worker thread

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I was going to post this on bug reports, but couldn't.  Move it there if it applies.


My master server keeps crashing with the message:

threadtools.cpp <3643> : Assertion Failed: Illegal termination of worker thread 'CFileWriterThread'.


No reason why, that I can see.  It sometimes happens when nobody is on the server.  It's not mentioned on the log file, just in the server prompt.  It's been happening since I switched to modoverrides.lua.

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I also deleted the modoverrides.lua, so it's not caused by a mod... Yeah, I think this is within Peter A's territory.  It's trying to add some set-piece, apparently.  Copy/pasting from dstserver.bat.


[00:00:46]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() ERROR

[00:00:46]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() complete
[00:00:46]: Worldgen had an error, displaying...
[00:00:46]: #scripts/worldgen_main.lua:429: attempt to perform arithmetic on fie
ld '?' (a nil value)
#LUA ERROR stack traceback:
@scripts/worldgen_main.lua:429 in (upvalue) AddSetPeices (Lua) <370-434>
   level = table: 118BBFE0
   gen_params = table: 11C9D370
   boons_override = defalut
   touchstone_override = default
   traps_override = default
   poi_override = default
   protected_override = default
   multiply = table: 0E281F60
@scripts/worldgen_main.lua:500 in () ? (Lua) <436-608>
   debug = false
   parameters = table: 11C9D348
   Gen = table: 118BAB68
   levels = table: 118BE808
   level = table: 118BBFE0
   level_area_triggers = nil
@=(tail call):-1 in ()  (tail) <-1--1>
@=(tail call):-1 in ()  (tail) <-1--1>


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  • Developer
[00:00:46]: #scripts/worldgen_main.lua:429: attempt to perform arithmetic on fie ld '?' (a nil value)

It looks to me that some of your files are corrupted. Could you post what code you have around line 429 of worldgen_main.lua. If should be this.
if boons_override ~= "never" then	-- Quick hack to get the boons in	for idx=1, math.random(math.floor(3*multiply[boons_override]), math.ceil(8*multiply[boons_override])) do		AddSingleSetPeice(level, "map/boons")	endend

If you've got something other than that on those lines, you may want to verify your game's server install.


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Here's my entire worldgen_main.lua.

package.path = package.path .. ";scripts/?.lua"--local BAD_CONNECT = 219000 -- --SEED = 1434760235 -- Force roads test level 3if SEED == nil then	SEED = os.time()endmath.randomseed(SEED)--print ("worldgen_main.lua MAIN = 1")WORLDGEN_MAIN = 1--install our crazy loader! MUST BE HERE FOR NACLlocal loadfn = function(modulename)    local errmsg = ""    local modulepath = string.gsub(modulename, "%.", "/")    for path in string.gmatch(package.path, "([^;]+)") do        local filename = string.gsub(path, "%?", modulepath)        filename = string.gsub(filename, "\\", "/")        local result = kleiloadlua(filename)        if result then            return result        end        errmsg = errmsg.."\n\tno file '"..filename.."' (checked with custom loader)"    end  return errmsg    endtable.insert(package.loaders, 1, loadfn)local basedir = "./"--patch this function because NACL has no fopenif TheSim then    basedir = "scripts/"    function loadfile(filename)        return kleiloadlua(filename)    endendrequire("stacktrace")require("simutil")require("strict")require("debugprint")-- add our print loggersAddPrintLogger(function(...) WorldSim:LuaPrint(...) end)require("json")require("vector3")require("tuning")require("languages/language")require("dlcsupport_worldgen")require("strings")require("dlcsupport_strings")require("constants")require("class")require("debugtools")require("util")require("prefabs")require("profiler")require("dumper")local savefileupgrades = require("savefileupgrades")require("mods")require("modindex")local moddata = json.decode(GEN_MODDATA)if moddata then	KnownModIndex:RestoreCachedSaveData(moddata.index)	ModManager:LoadMods(true)endlocal customise = require("map/customise")local tasks = require("map/tasks")print ("running worldgen_main.lua\n")print ("SEED = ", SEED)local basedir = "./"local last_tick_seen = -1------TIME FUNCTIONSfunction GetTickTime()    return 0endlocal ticktime = GetTickTime()function GetTime()    return 0endfunction GetTick()    return 0endfunction GetTimeReal()    return getrealtime()end---SCRIPTINGlocal Scripts = {}function LoadScript(filename)    if not Scripts[filename] then        local scriptfn = loadfile("scripts/" .. filename)        Scripts[filename] = scriptfn()    end    return Scripts[filename]endfunction RunScript(filename)    local fn = LoadScript(filename)    if fn then        fn()    endendfunction GetDebugString()    return tostring(scheduler)end--------------------------------- non-user-facing Tracking stats  ---TrackingEventsStats = {}TrackingTimingStats = {}function IncTrackingStat(stat, subtable)    local t = TrackingEventsStats    if subtable then        t = TrackingEventsStats[subtable]        if not t then            t = {}            TrackingEventsStats[subtable] = t        end    end    t[stat] = 1 + (t[stat] or 0)endfunction SetTimingStat(subtable, stat, value)    local t = TrackingTimingStats    if subtable then        t = TrackingTimingStats[subtable]        if not t then            t = {}            TrackingTimingStats[subtable] = t        end    end    t[stat] = math.floor(value/1000)end--- GAME Stats and details to be sent to server on game complete ---ProfileStats = {}function GetProfileStats()	if GetTableSize(ProfileStats) then    	return json.encode({    						stats = ProfileStats    						})    else    	return json.encode({})    endendfunction ProfileStatsSet(item, value)    ProfileStats[item] = valueendfunction ProfileStatsAdd(item)    --print ("ProfileStatsAdd", item)    if ProfileStats[item] then    	ProfileStats[item] = ProfileStats[item] +1    else    	ProfileStats[item] = 1    endendfunction ProfileStatsAddItemChunk(item, chunk)    if ProfileStats[item] == nil then    	ProfileStats[item] = {}    end    if ProfileStats[item][chunk] then    	ProfileStats[item][chunk] =ProfileStats[item][chunk] +1    else    	ProfileStats[item][chunk] = 1    endendfunction PROFILE_world_gen(debug)	require("profiler")	local profiler = newProfiler("time", 100000)	profiler:start()            	local strdata = LoadParametersAndGenerate(debug)		profiler:stop()	local outfile = io.open( "profile.txt", "w+" )	profiler:report(outfile)	outfile:close()	local tmp = {}		profiler:lua_report(tmp)	require("debugtools")	dumptable(profiler)		return strdataendfunction ShowDebug(savedata)	local item_table = { }		for id, locs in pairs(savedata.ents) do				for i, pos in ipairs(locs) do			local misc = -1			if string.find(id, "wormhole") ~= nil then				if pos.data and pos.data.teleporter and pos.data.teleporter.target then					misc = pos.data.teleporter.target - 2300000				end			end			table.insert(item_table, {id, pos.x/TILE_SCALE + savedata.map.width/2.0, pos.z/TILE_SCALE + savedata.map.height/2.0, misc})		end	end	WorldSim:ShowDebugItems(item_table)			endfunction CheckMapSaveData(savedata)	print("Checking map...")            assert(savedata.map, "Map missing from savedata on generate")    assert(savedata.map.prefab, "Map prefab missing from savedata on generate")    assert(savedata.map.tiles, "Map tiles missing from savedata on generate")    assert(savedata.map.width, "Map width missing from savedata on generate")    assert(savedata.map.height, "Map height missing from savedata on generate")	assert(savedata.map.topology, "Map topology missing from savedata on generate")        	assert(savedata.ents, "Entites missing from savedata on generate")endlocal function ApplySingleTweak(tweaktable, tweak)    local name = tweak[1]    local value = tweak[2]    if type(name) == type({}) then        name = name[math.random(#name)]    end    if type(value) == type({}) then        value = value[math.random(#value)]    end    local group = customise.GetGroupForItem(name)    if tweaktable[group] == nil then        tweaktable[group] = {}    end    tweaktable[group][name] = valueendlocal function OverrideTweaks(level, gen_params)    -- Level settings come first, then presetdata (which is identical for known    -- presets, but different for custom presets), and then tweaks.    -- We just apply them all with the latter ones stomping the former ones.        local finaltweak = {}	local customise = require("map/customise")	for i,v in ipairs(level.overrides) do        ApplySingleTweak(finaltweak, v)    end    if gen_params.presetdata ~= nil then        for i,v in ipairs(gen_params.presetdata.overrides) do            ApplySingleTweak(finaltweak, v)        end    end    if gen_params.tweak ~= nil then        for group,tweaks in pairs(gen_params.tweak) do            if finaltweak[group] == nil then                finaltweak[group] = {}            end            for tweakname, tweakvalue in pairs(tweaks) do                finaltweak[group][tweakname] = tweakvalue            end        end    end    return finaltweakendlocal function GetRandomFromLayouts( layouts )	local area_keys = {}	for k,v in pairs(layouts) do		table.insert(area_keys, k)	end	local area_idx =  math.random(#area_keys)	local area = area_keys[area_idx]	local target = nil	if (area == "Rare" and math.random()<0.98) or GetTableSize(layouts[area]) <1 then		table.remove(area_keys, area_idx)		area = area_keys[math.random(#area_keys)]	end	if GetTableSize(layouts[area]) <1 then		return nil	end	target = {target_area=area, choice=GetRandomKey(layouts[area])} 		return targetendlocal function GetAreasForChoice(area, level)	local areas = {}	for i, task_name in ipairs(level.tasks) do		local task = tasks.GetTaskByName(task_name, tasks.sampletasks)		if area == "Any" or area == "Rare" or  area == task.room_bg then			table.insert(areas, task_name)		end	end	if #areas ==0 then		return nil	end	return areasendlocal function AddSingleSetPeice(level, choicefile)	local choices = require(choicefile)	assert(choices.Sandbox)	local chosen = GetRandomFromLayouts(choices.Sandbox)	if chosen ~= nil then		if level.set_pieces == nil then			level.set_pieces = {}		end		local areas = GetAreasForChoice(chosen.target_area, level)		if areas then			local num_peices = 1			if level.set_pieces[chosen.choice] ~= nil then				num_peices = level.set_pieces[chosen.choice].count + 1			end			level.set_pieces[chosen.choice] = {count = num_peices, tasks=areas}		end	endendlocal function AddSetPeices(level, gen_params)	local boons_override = "default"	local touchstone_override = "default"	local traps_override = "default"	local poi_override = "default"	local protected_override = "default"	if gen_params.finaltweak ~=nil and 		gen_params.finaltweak["misc"] ~= nil then		if gen_params.finaltweak["misc"]["boons"] ~= nil then			boons_override = gen_params.finaltweak["misc"]["boons"]		end		if gen_params.finaltweak["misc"]["touchstone"] ~= nil then			touchstone_override = gen_params.finaltweak["misc"]["touchstone"]		end		if gen_params.finaltweak["misc"]["traps"] ~= nil then			traps_override = gen_params.finaltweak["misc"]["traps"]		end		if gen_params.finaltweak["misc"]["poi"] ~= nil then			poi_override = gen_params.finaltweak["misc"]["poi"]		end		if gen_params.finaltweak["misc"]["protected"] ~= nil then			protected_override = gen_params.finaltweak["misc"]["protected"]		end	end	if traps_override ~= "never" then		AddSingleSetPeice(level, "map/traps")	end	if poi_override ~= "never" then		AddSingleSetPeice(level, "map/pointsofinterest")	end	if protected_override ~= "never" then		AddSingleSetPeice(level, "map/protected_resources")	end	local multiply = {		["rare"] = 0.5,		["default"] = 1,		["often"] = 1.5,		["mostly"] = 2.2,		["always"] = 3,			}	if touchstone_override ~= "default" and level.set_pieces ~= nil and 								level.set_pieces["ResurrectionStone"] ~= nil then		if touchstone_override == "never" then			level.set_pieces["ResurrectionStone"] = nil		else			level.set_pieces["ResurrectionStone"].count = math.ceil(level.set_pieces["ResurrectionStone"].count*multiply[touchstone_override])		end	end	if boons_override ~= "never" then		-- Quick hack to get the boons in		for idx=1, math.random(math.floor(3*multiply[boons_override]), math.ceil(8*multiply[boons_override])) do			AddSingleSetPeice(level, "map/boons")		end	endendfunction GenerateNew(debug, parameters)        print("Generating world with these parameters:")    print("level_type", tostring(parameters.level_type))    print("current_level", tostring(parameters.current_level))    print("customizationpresets:")    dumptable(parameters.profiledata.customizationpresets)    print("worldgen_choices:")    dumptable(parameters.world_gen_choices)    --print("Generate New map",debug, parameters.gen_type, "type: "..parameters.level_type, parameters.current_level, parameters.world_gen_choices)	local Gen = require "map/forest_map"		local levels = require("map/levels")	local level = levels.test_level	if parameters.level_type and string.upper(parameters.level_type) == "CAVE" then				print("\n#######\n#\n# Generating CAVE Mode Level\n#\n#######\n")		if parameters.current_level == nil or parameters.current_level > #levels.cave_levels then			parameters.current_level = 1		end		level = levels.cave_levels[parameters.current_level]	elseif parameters.level_type and string.upper(parameters.level_type) == "TEST" then		print("\n#######\n#\n# Generating TEST Mode Level\n#\n#######\n")	elseif parameters.level_type and string.upper(parameters.level_type) == "SURVIVAL" then		print("\n#######\n#\n# Generating SURVIVAL Mode Level\n#\n#######\n")		if parameters.world_gen_choices.preset == nil then			if parameters.world_gen_choices.actualpreset == nil then				parameters.world_gen_choices.preset = "SURVIVAL_TOGETHER"			else				parameters.world_gen_choices.preset =  parameters.world_gen_choices.actualpreset			end		end		print("WORLDGEN PRESET: ",parameters.world_gen_choices.preset)		for i,v in ipairs(levels.sandbox_levels) do			if v.id == parameters.world_gen_choices.preset then				parameters.world_gen_choices.level_id = i				break			end		end		print("WORLDGEN LEVEL ID: ", parameters.world_gen_choices.level_id )		if parameters.world_gen_choices.level_id == nil or parameters.world_gen_choices.level_id > #levels.sandbox_levels then			parameters.world_gen_choices.level_id = 1		end				level = levels.sandbox_levels[parameters.world_gen_choices.level_id]		print("\n#######\n#\n# Generating Normal Mode "..level.name.." Level "..level.id.."\n#\n#######\n")	else		-- Probably got here from a mod, up to the mod to tell us what to load.		level = levels.custom_levels[parameters.world_gen_choices.level_id]		print("\n#######\n#\n# Special: Generating "..parameters.level_type.." mode "..level.name.." Level\n#\n#######\n")	end	parameters.world_gen_choices.finaltweak = OverrideTweaks(level, parameters.world_gen_choices)		local level_area_triggers = level.override_triggers or nil	level:ChooseTasks(tasks.sampletasks, parameters.world_gen_choices)	AddSetPeices(level, parameters.world_gen_choices)    level:ChooseSetPieces(parameters.world_gen_choices)	local id = level.id	local override_level_string = level.override_level_string or false	local name = level.name or "ERROR"	local hideminimap = level.hideminimap or false	local prefab = level.location or "forest"    local choose_tasks = level:GetTasksForLevel()	if debug == true then	 	 choose_tasks = tasks.oneofeverything	end    --print ("Generating new world","forest", max_map_width, max_map_height, choose_tasks)        	local savedata = nil	local max_map_width = 1024 -- 1024--256 	local max_map_height = 1024 -- 1024--256 		local try = 1	local maxtries = 5    print("*****************************")    print("Final Worldgen Choices:")    dumptable(parameters.world_gen_choices)    print("*****************************")		while savedata == nil do		savedata = Gen.Generate(prefab, max_map_width, max_map_height, choose_tasks, parameters.world_gen_choices, parameters.level_type, level)				if savedata == nil then			if try >= maxtries then                print("An error occured during world and we give up! [was ",try," of ",maxtries,"]")				return nil            else                print("An error occured during world gen we will retry! [was ",try," of ",maxtries,"]")			end			try = try + 1						--assert(try <= maxtries, "Maximum world gen retries reached!")			collectgarbage("collect")			WorldSim:ResetAll()		elseif GEN_PARAMETERS == "" or parameters.show_debug == true then						ShowDebug(savedata)		end	end		    savedata.map.prefab = prefab			savedata.map.topology.level_type = parameters.level_type	savedata.map.topology.level_number = parameters.current_level or 1	savedata.map.override_level_string = override_level_string	savedata.map.name = name	savedata.map.hideminimap = hideminimap	--Record mod information	ModManager:SetModRecords(savedata.mods or {})	savedata.mods = ModManager:GetModRecords()        		savedata.map.topology.override_triggers = level_area_triggers		if APP_VERSION == nil then		APP_VERSION = "DEV_UNKNOWN"	end	if APP_BUILD_DATE == nil then		APP_BUILD_DATE = "DEV_UNKNOWN"	end	if APP_BUILD_TIME == nil then		APP_BUILD_TIME = "DEV_UNKNOWN"	end	savedata.meta = { 							build_version = APP_VERSION, 						build_date = APP_BUILD_DATE,						build_time = APP_BUILD_TIME,						seed = SEED,						level_id = id or "survival",						session_identifier = WorldSim:GenerateSessionIdentifier(),                        saveversion = savefileupgrades.VERSION,					}	CheckMapSaveData(savedata)			-- Clear out scaffolding 	-- for i=#savedata.map.topology.ids,1, -1 do	-- 	local name = savedata.map.topology.ids[i]	-- 	if string.find(name, "LOOP_BLANK_SUB") ~= nil  then	-- 		table.remove(savedata.map.topology.ids, i)	-- 		table.remove(savedata.map.topology.nodes, i)	-- 		for eid=#savedata.map.topology.edges,1,-1 do	-- 			if savedata.map.topology.edges[eid].n1 == i or savedata.map.topology.edges[eid].n2 == i then	-- 				table.remove(savedata.map.topology.edges, eid)	-- 			end	-- 		end	-- 	end	-- end				print("Generation complete")	local strdata = DataDumper(savedata, nil, PLATFORM == "NACL")	return strdataendlocal function LoadParametersAndGenerate(debug)	local parameters = nil	if GEN_PARAMETERS == "" then		print("WARNING: No parameters found, using defaults. This should only happen from the test harness!")		parameters = { level_type="survival", current_level=5, adventure_progress=3, profiledata={unlocked_characters={wes=true}} }	else		parameters = json.decode(GEN_PARAMETERS)	end        if 	parameters.world_gen_choices == nil then		parameters.world_gen_choices = {}    end	SetDLCEnabled(parameters.DLCEnabled)	return GenerateNew(debug, parameters)-- parameters.worldgen_type, parameters.level_type, parameters.current_level, parameters.world_gen_choices)endreturn LoadParametersAndGenerate(false)
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I think the problem might be in worldgenoverride.lua, I see

in the log.

Could you check if there is

boons = "default"

boons = "defalut"
in worldgenoverride.lua?


boons = "defalut", -- "never", "rare", "default", "often", "always"

From my worldgenoverrides.lua.  Wait a minute...  How'd it get misspelled?  I copy/pasted it from elsewhere and it worked before.  Fixed.  Thanks!

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Readded mods; Illegal termination of worker thread AGAIN.  Time to remove mods again and leave it running for a few hours to see if it crashes for no reason.



     AttachClassified = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:557

      OnSleepIn = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1094
      IsActionsVisible = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1174
[03:29:46]: [string "../mods/workshop-445371564/postinits.lua"]:199: attempt to
index field 'target' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
    ../mods/workshop-445371564/postinits.lua:199 in (field) deststate (Lua) <198
    scripts/stategraph.lua:373 in (method) StartAction (Lua) <367-387>
    scripts/entityscript.lua:1220 in (method) PushBufferedAction (Lua) <1183-122
    scripts/components/locomotor.lua:666 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <607-791>
    scripts/update.lua:187 in () ? (Lua) <150-223>
..\tier1\fileio.cpp (4009) : Assertion Failed: CFileWriterThread: pending file w
riter connection_log_10999.txt
Assert( Assertion Failed: CFileWriterThread: pending file writer connection_log_
10999.txt ):..\tier1\fileio.cpp:4009
threadtools.cpp (3643) : Assertion Failed: Illegal termination of worker thread
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Don't Starve Together Dedicated Se


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