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A DST/Gaming Community

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For anyone who plays DST and wants other people to play with or play other games etc but don't have anyone to talk to/play with or if you have mates and wanna meet more like-minded people come join my public teamspeak at: ts.mineshaftmc.com all are welcome. We play a variety of games and the teamspeak is open to anyone and everyone.



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J192, do you ever actually say anything constructive? you comment something on my thread that is impossible to do, you comment random links on other peoples things that do not add anything to the conversation, this comment here, " please don't advertise here" why?


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J192, do you ever actually say anything constructive? you comment something on my thread that is impossible to do, you comment random links on other peoples things that do not add anything to the conversation, this comment here, " please don't advertise here" why?

Do you have any evidence or reasoning to back that up?


EDIT: Anyway, if you want me to reply on your thread, do it on your own thread, not this guy's thread.

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