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Day 1 Winter

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Preeeetty tough to handle. I'm determined to make it though. Being Willow is helping.


For reference, I opened what appeared to be a cursed chest on the evening of my first day and I seem to have started an early winter. 


Anyone have any hidden gems of advice for surviving winter with no prep? :D


I found a spider den, between that and glaciers I'm making meatballs where I can, but food is tough with all the nearby Berries and Carrots being gone. This'll be what kills me if anything does.


Warmth wasn't a terrible issue until a freaking Moleworm ate my Thermal Stone while it was warming near the fire. I was so gobsmacked I didn't react fast enough to save it. Went far afield scorching the earth as I went to keep warm and found some rocks to replace it.

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Preeeetty tough to handle. I'm determined to make it though. Being Willow is helping.


For reference, I opened what appeared to be a cursed chest on the evening of my first day and I seem to have started an early winter. 


Anyone have any hidden gems of advice for surviving winter with no prep? :grin:


I found a spider den, between that and glaciers I'm making meatballs where I can, but food is tough with all the nearby Berries and Carrots being gone. This'll be what kills me if anything does.


Warmth wasn't a terrible issue until a freaking Moleworm ate my Thermal Stone while it was warming near the fire. I was so gobsmacked I didn't react fast enough to save it. Went far afield scorching the earth as I went to keep warm and found some rocks to replace it.


Adventure mode gives you great practice for this.


To save mine, I store them in my wood chest, which I keep inches from my fire, still heats up, so nice.


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I made it! Thanks for the advice, folks. The chest thing is gold! I was not able to farm Rabbits, sadly. I couldn't find enough bait for my traps.


I had a winter hat, from the cursed chest of doom, and wasn't able to kill a Koalafant for a vest. Thing is stupidly hard to track on the Vita. I've killed so many on the PC I think they warn their kids about me to get 'em to behave, but I've only got a 20% success rate at best on the Vita.


I lived via a trick I've oft derided, using Icecubes as filler for meatballs. I always thought it was cheesy, but man, got me through that winter.


Thanks again for the advice!


PS: Anyone know why I can't upload an image for my avatar? I tried a few diff ones...

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I just made it through my first winter in RoG with default settings.  I mainly lived off of rabbits.  Just putting them very close to their holes seems to work well enough, I never bother to bait them.  It's also quite possible to herd them into your traps if they are out and about since they run in a straight line away from you.


    I didn't get too many naughty points and get a visit from the guy that steals your stuff because I did the much more moral and humane thing and let them starve to death.  Even if the morsels get stale, they turn into fresh jerky when you throw them onto a drying rack.


I don't know if all of this works on the Vita, sadly.

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Oh. hmm. It would. Gameplay on the Vita is basically the same, its just a smaller view, which makes some elements more difficult, like figuring out which way the Koalaphant tracks lead.


I was unaware you could scare bunbuns in to the traps. Thats... thats a game changer.

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Grab everything in sight, build a campfire, sit down, wait for the whole day and cook your food before you eat it. Obviously takes more than that, but wandering off too far will probably get you killed or something, which took me too long to realize. Monster meat is great meatball filler if you can find any, and torching forests is a warm way to obtain charcoal for a drying rack for your rabbits. It'll take a while, but you'll still get jerky out of it. Wandering off a little too far because I got bored is what killed me constantly in The Game is Afoot.


For future reference, build at least 3 bee boxes as early as you can and you can make taffy and honey nuggets with monster meat and twigs. It'll supply you well for the next winter. Taffy is a lifesaver when you're about to go completely insane. And don't waste silk on a beekeeping hat, use a football helmet or a log suit instead.

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