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Couple of usefullness complaints

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1)The Varg seems to be a huge balance problem. Yeah, I know they're very hard to kill, and they are very frightning when hunting for Koalefants, but aside from getting some red gems(at HUGE costs), there's really no reason for you to, instead of figting it, just backing off before it sees you.

2)Also there's the Buzzards, that don't seem to pose as any threat or has any use aside from being a ridiculously easy meat farm(football hat+spear+one morsel=never need any kind of farm or to hunt again). They don't add much to the game and just serve to ruin even more the fear of starving that the name "Don't Starve" should give off


3)(APPARENTLY SOLVED)as much as I think that the flowers appearing everywhere thing seems like a nice bit of context to tell you that it's spring, it pretty much nullifies the threat of sanity loss after 2 or 3 springs, because if you start loosing sanity, all you have to do is pick some of those nearly infinite flowers you will have around your base(seriously, I got angry once with them and started setting fire to them, but next spring it was full with flowers again)

4)I noticed not many of you have found out, but the Tallbird now can have their own Smallbird as followers, but it's mostly makes no difference, because unless you help the Smallbird to get food, they will starve much before they manage to turn into adult Tallbirds, which makes this mechanic almost completely useless(even though I would love if they could eventually make venturing into a Rocky Biome and the nearby area horribly dangerous and full of Tallbird Fortressess and the whatnot)

5)Webber's beard. If what I've read about his beard insulation being the same as wilson's beard, this makes Wilson pretty much useless, as beard hair is actually pretty easy to obtain(boomerang+green mushrooms) and Webber just has lower sanity(the pigs hating him are almost completely nullified by the spider army you can get to destroy the pigs, inverting patterns, and the fact he has better health and hunger). So, along with the already mentioned problem with infinite flowers, Webber basicly turns into a better wilson who farms pigs instead of spiders, which seems very unbalaced(making playing as Wilson something more about being emotionally attached, not cold calculation of who is the best character for you)

Update 2

6)(APPARENTLY SOLVED)Beefalo mating all the way through spring seems a bit too much. I had 2 small herds(+-5) when I started in my first world and by the end of the second spring(I started in spring, by the way) I had around 5 herds with around 15 beefalo each and a bunch of small herds that wandered around with 5 or 6.
There was even a point where a Deerclops attacked(in the old version) it took exactly 24 beefalo with it(yeah, I counted) and just left behind a couple of beefalo babies. by the start of summer, that herd was back to 15 beefalo

7)The Old Bell(yep I know there's another thread about this, but I like to keep everything in a single place). I won't get into the super heavy damage, nor the fact that it's so easy to kill anything with one(in the old update) because I like these qualities to it. The problem is that these qualities are much more fit to an very expensive endgame item for killing stuff, not something you get for fiding an statue. Really, let's review it. You find a Gloomers statue, which has a Pan Flute right in front of it, you break it and there's a blueprint inside and on full moon it creates a flower that atracts an insect and if you mix the insects wings and the flower you can somehow make a Bell, that calls a giant foot from the ocean, which makes you pretty much unstopable with the Pan Flute you found there. Aside from feeling very unconnected with the rest of the game, it pretty much just throws power in your face, without you having to go gather materials or anything. This feels more like those weird mods you can find in the Workshop than something Klei would really do

Update 3(and still waiting for the sugestions and disagreements....)

8)the Moggles basicly destroy any need of making a light source while you still have hound teeth(which are plenty) silk and wood. You can get one very early due to the new hammer recipe and(aside from the headache during day) has no drawbacks, which kills every light source but the endothermic fire, due to it's cooling properties(and torch during winter)

Update 4(come on, guys...)

9)Now that Gears are renewable(tumbleweeds) it kinda breaks the tension of having to think between making stuff or eating them as WX-78. Unlike the other problems, I found a nice idea to counter-act against this. Make it so that WX-78 will still receive short-circuit damage as long as he is wet, so that the player has to take real care during spring

As you probably noticed, I'm only good at complaining and bitching, but not that good with real solutions, so I want to hear, 1)if you agree with me and have some cool ideas, please describe them and 2)if you don't agree with me, tell me why and explain how I'm wrong

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I agree, like other people suggested vargs should come in hound attacks and the buzzards could work more like a flock, defending each other. Perhaps they could even migrate to player bases and eat the meat on drying racks.

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I agree, like other people suggested vargs should come in hound attacks and the buzzards could work more like a flock, defending each other. Perhaps they could even migrate to player bases and eat the meat on drying racks.

just had a very small idea based on this....

if they migrate to your home(maybe in summer), they could aside from attacking your food, when you're in low health or overheating they could come down and peck at you(maybe even taking a food item from your inventory, like a frog)

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I think they should just expand the varg's aggro range to outside the viewable map. That way once you find them, they're already heading straight for you. You can run away, but that'll expend a large amount of time and still leave a really easy to aggro enemy somewhere on the map.

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Updated with a few that came up while I was playing today



I think they should just expand the varg's aggro range to outside the viewable map. That way once you find them, they're already heading straight for you. You can run away, but that'll expend a large amount of time and still leave a really easy to aggro enemy somewhere on the map.


that's a pretty good idea, and it's quite simple to implement

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I think it would be cool if Buzzards were only aggressive towards you if you were below a hunger threshold, and of course if they fought as a pack too.

that would be nice if they were spread over a more vast and their packs where bigger, but 2 or 3 of them attacking you if you're low on food while going over a extremely small area wouldn't make much difference(aside from stopping emergency meat farming with them)

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I may be a little ahead of myself, but it seems like the flowers in spring have been lowered and the beefalo mating too, so that's a nice thing(there seems to be something different with the Old Bell, but I haven't tested it yet. Could anybody tell me what is it aside from texture?)
Edit: checked with help from the console. Looks like the Bell is basicly the same thing, didn't see any practical differences

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Total darkness sanity loss is 50 and darkness near light is 5. Make moggles reducing sanity loss in darkness to 25 or 20 not 5 as light sources. It is sensible thing to do because there is little difference between being close to light source and just seeing in darkness. Light scares monsters and your night vision doesnt.

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