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Birchnut tree monsters: never seen one, and whoever showed didn't show do it could be seen fully!

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I saw a picture aparently of someone showing the Birchtree monster or however it is called but could not see properly because it was night. Show me pictures, what they really are called, what they do, wiki etc. I wanna know!!!

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Here are some pics frim my thread



They're fabulous cyclops!



Say Aaah!



They spawn weird looking purple wigs which attacks you but dissapear in the ground after a while



I defeated one and the other one just transfromed in a little tree with no leafes

They also try to stab you with sharp root tentacles


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Fcurs they are.


I dun know about you kids but I only play as Wendy. Morbid personas are immune to sensationalism; Webber ain't got a ghost of a chance (I don't care if this sentence makes no sense). 



Hey buddy no swearing!

I take it some mods took you aside the last time you did the unspeakable? 

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