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Of caves and winter.

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Are caves a viable option for surviving winter? It seems logical that it'd be warm enough down there to survive. The main thing you'd have to do is survive depth worms and nightmare monster (especially if mushrooms are what you choose to eat.)


I mean, you owuldn't stay in the caves ALL the time. You'd have to make surface runs to get a few supplies like meats, veggies, and slaves friends.

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My biggest concern for Cave living would have to be Depth Worms, everything else is easy enough to fight/avoid. On the topic of food, I'd point out that you can still get Monster Meat from Depth Worms and Cave Spiders, might even be something else I'm missing. With drying racks you'll have plenty of Monster Jerky to sustain you, the minor downsides of consumption are easily circumvented with Cooked Green Mushrooms and Healing Salves.

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You can try camping out at areas where light always shines down, but that's probably the best you can do. Insanity and limited food are the two biggest problems with living down there. But farms do work if there's enough light.


I've only down it as Maxwell, because I'm cheap and don't want to deal with that constant sanity drain.

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