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So I've had a solid 3-4 deaths already from just today because of food.

I'm usually pretty precatious with adventuring so that's never a problem, and I'm a slow worker. BUT! Food is always an issue.

I end up picking all the berries, carrots, and digging up the berry bushes, but they don't grow fast enough. I eat all the carrots and it's too hard to catch rabbits. I've used the eggs on research and they take to long to grow back.

Any suggestions or ideas for efficient, fast ways of getting food?

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I recommend chasing after the crows and redbirds you see everywhere, and picking up all the seeds. If you can pick up five seeds a day and toast them by your campfire for food, that's 40 hunger restored right there. It's not the best choice for a permanent food source, but it can definitely supplement berries, carrots and morsels.

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Are you cooking the Berries and Morsels and Carrots? Every single food item in the game restores more Hunger if you cook it... all of them. So don't forget!

Also, cooked Seeds are an often-overlooked food item that can help keep you from starving the first few days. You don't really need Seeds until you've found a source of manure... not to mention they're not too hard to find as long as you take a few extra steps every now and then to startle birds.

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Like everyone else said, cooking before eating is important. You won't ever starve to death if you wait until night to cook everything on a fire, you only lose about 70 hunger every full day.

Try kill a rabbit with an axe first, then you can place a trap on top of all the holes so in the morning there'll be several morsels for you.

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If you manage to research it, the crock pot allows you to turn monster meat into non-deadly food for a bit of extra relif on your stackable food.

but a stack of cooked morsels is about as good as it gets I think, from the begining to the end it's relitivly easy to do. Well, cooked meat if you get a pig farm going.

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if u can plant around 6 bushes of berry and set up by the rabbit hole and beefolo biom, u can last forever XD well thats my food source anyway, i mean u get food as u venture out picking berries and carrots..... make a speedy farm using beefalo's poo =D...thats the easiest way to get food for me, lots of grass in the beefalo biom let u make a lot of traps, oh yeah and plant twigs nearby...and remember that if u plant a berry bush u have to fertallized it using beefalo's poo

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