Nigh's random roleplay


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:excitement:Name: Jsamine (Pronounced Jasamine)Gender:Female Race: Human Looks like: Wears a grey and black stripe hoodie (with a red plain shirt) with (short) jeans(?), is barefoot, has long, black hair, and has blue eyes. Where are you from: The woods. Personality: Kind, empathetic, happy. Special Abilities: Has a split personality, if it is a full moon she will transform into Jerry-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Jerry Tomson.Gender: Unknown (though Jsamine calls it a "he")Race: Werewolf/DemonLooks like: Wears a torn up grey and black stripe jacket (no sleeves or shirt), has torn jeans, covered in thick, black fur, looks like a wolf, and has yellow eyes.Where are you from: Forest (different place)Personality: Temper issues, aggressive, savage, uncontrollable.Special Abilities: Hounds are not hostile and will defend him, similar to the werebeaver. (except he eats meat instead of wood) When hunger is fully depleted he will faint and transform back to Jsamine in the morning.Extra info: Seems to know Woodie a lot.

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Name: waida the warriorrace: humanlooks: like willow, but with warrior outfit and more sensible yet messy hairadvantages: is a skilled fighter, knows which mushrooms are safe to eatdisadvantages: 30% chance she will fail at making prototypes, doesn't like science

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