RP thread: Greener pastures


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*Antasma grabs cronos on his head* shameless, as i teached you you was wisely and not wanted to mees with everything in your way, now come out of the stupid crown and let us talk with newleaf and biter *cronos and Antasma went out of the artifact.cronos had the appearance of a wolf and Antasma the appearance of an batilisk

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The keeper emerged from Spindle's crown. "Hello, there Cronos and Antasma. It's me, Blantii." He was easily the largest, and looked the strongest out of all of the keepers.

OOC: The only element resistant to venom is air.

oh, i haven't see you for...for... was that 290 years Blantii?guys, i found stairs.and i think down ther its getting warmer!
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oh, i haven't see you for...for... was that 290 years Blantii?guys, i found stairs.and i think down ther its getting warmer!

"It is in fact me, Blantii, the winner of wars, the conquering king. And I see Cronus after all these years has finally managed to lose a couple pounds. (Laughs). And Asmanta! As beautiful as before, you haven't seemed to age a day since I murdered you. (Laughs). I can still remember the blood gushing out of your tiny throat. (Laughs with a tint of maniacalness.)

OOC: I just wanted to say, Blantii has a really snooty british accent.

Edited by 5raptorboy777
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*glares at both of the keepers and grows*

Finally! a challenge! two on one should last me at least a while!

*and army of treeguards swarm the area*

"Stop being so arrogant,tree guard. I'll spill all of your blood later. Regrettably, now we have far more pressing matters than the slaughtering of your kind. We have a job to do, admittedly it's a very boring job, but it's pressing nonetheless. Don't you want to see the green pastures of the island's and our birthplace? You never were interested in folklore anyway. Always focused on war strategies. Never on folklore nor the joy of blood spill."
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*starts growing unnaturally tall, even for the keeper*


*starts hulk smashing things*

"It seems I've forgotten how arrogant and murderous you are. Lock him back up in the crown. Release him when we've got all of the crowns. Or we can let him run rampant, murdering civilians, I have always been far too dignified to kill the innocents.""No you aren't, you bloody murderer.""I forgot that YOU were here. Stupid little spider. We both know you didn't abide by the rules set down by my successor. Taking me out just to hear bloody stories from when I was ruler.""You know that I'm technically in a higher position in the order."

OOC: Blantii now has a regular british accent instead of a snooty one.

Edited by 5raptorboy777
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Fool! That tree has no power over me! I can use this host as much as I want! I'm not weakling like you, who is forced into the crown by his host!

*the area around grows into a dense jungle*

"Please stop murdering the natural environment. The more you murder the less I can murder. So stop with your jungle. Don't you remember the wartime days? When I enslaved your race? When we made a peace treaty? What I'm saying here is that I murdered millions not Antasma. So stop your bloody blabbering and let's go and find that crown.
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"Ugh, after so many years I had forgotten how stubborn and useless he is. Let's move on with the hunt. We can get him later. At least in spider societies the current council is higher than any resurrection or spirit of a previous council member that has passed on. If it works the same with tree guards, he has no power over Newleaf. When we do have both crowns we shall adventure to his kingdom and murder him. It's the only way to get him back in the crown if he doesn't agree with it. Darre, keep the chains ready if he is to come back. We must find the crowns as SOON as possible."
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