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Are hospitals dead?

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I'm thinking about making one for completion, but considering the hustle with food storage these days (you need both sterile atmo and temp) this will just create a headache. and since I don't actually have a need for one.... i'm lil confused why they even in the game- is it just for reviving dupes?

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Sadly, there are no significant health hazards or injuries in the game. So, the use of a hospital is very limited.

I only use a triage cot sometimes to treat moderate wounds, but that's it already. 

We had an intense discussion about this some time ago in this forum.

I still hope Klei will find good solutions for this and increase the difficulty of germs and injuries heavily. 

I would be ok if this would be part of the related difficulty setting. 

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13 hours ago, Henlikuoth said:

Sadly, there are no significant health hazards or injuries in the game. So, the use of a hospital is very limited.

I only use a triage cot sometimes to treat moderate wounds, but that's it already. 

We had an intense discussion about this some time ago in this forum.

I still hope Klei will find good solutions for this and increase the difficulty of germs and injuries heavily. 

I would be ok if this would be part of the related difficulty setting. 

very sad, yet another 'room' not worth building.

and yes this game lost its charm for me with the germ nerf, i think even disabling the dupes ability to 'walk it off' would help here.

hard difficulty is def needed here i 100% support this idea

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Utilizing the Diseases Restored mod helps. Brings the germ system back to it's previous state of major threat of total collapse vs the current minor inconvenience. Would be nice if Klei revisited the Diseases, though. Especially since Sporechids are more important with the Bio-Bot update.

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I don’t think diseases necessarily need to be “hard” but they do need to be tweaked so that the optimal management strategy isn’t to just ignore them completely. It might be enough to make them last forever unless cured and have a stress debuff. That alone would be fatal on high difficulties (but not on normal settings), especially in the early game.

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On 12/17/2023 at 9:10 AM, Charletrom said:

I don’t think diseases necessarily need to be “hard” but they do need to be tweaked so that the optimal management strategy isn’t to just ignore them completely. It might be enough to make them last forever unless cured and have a stress debuff. That alone would be fatal on high difficulties (but not on normal settings), especially in the early game.

That's a good start. No self cure for some sickness. Also I've suggested progressive stages 1-3 in another suggested thread. And maybe a few more threats. Frostbite, poison, etc.

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On 12/18/2023 at 9:22 PM, cyberwarlord said:

That's a good start. No self cure for some sickness. Also I've suggested progressive stages 1-3 in another suggested thread. And maybe a few more threats. Frostbite, poison, etc.

I agree about stages, hypothermia and heat stroke should happen way sooner as well, and frost bite/burns would be a nice touch. If this game was a lil bit mod friendly i might be tinkering with it but I'm still not pissed off enough to dive into this aspect.

but yeh the 'walk-it-off' strat is OP and needs a nerf


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On 12/28/2023 at 12:55 PM, squanter187 said:

I agree about stages, hypothermia and heat stroke should happen way sooner as well, and frost bite/burns would be a nice touch.


Expanding diseases, or threats like Hypothermia could allow for amputations or fake/robo limbs, too! More threats to your Dupes health/safety.. and more ways to buff them up!
(yeah, I know, it's a bit too much like RimWorld, but I think it fits the ONI world, too)

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16 hours ago, CrutchPunk said:

Expanding diseases, or threats like Hypothermia could allow for amputations or fake/robo limbs, too! More threats to your Dupes health/safety.. and more ways to buff them up!
(yeah, I know, it's a bit too much like RimWorld, but I think it fits the ONI world, too)

Organ Harvesting DLC? I'm in

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13 hours ago, Henlikuoth said:

I always wanted a germ/sickness situation that requires one full-time doctor—someone who is always, or at least mostly, creating medicine, treating dupes, etc.

In the current state of the game, this is just not needed. 

I initially wanted the same thing, but then I realized how punishing the game would have to be for a doctor to be treating illnesses and injuries around the clock.  I don't think that would be fun for anyone, including those of us hoping for germs to be overhauled.  Instead, I think the better way to keep doctors busy is via medical checkups that grant dupes a productivity bonus (think Engie's Tune-Up for dupes).  Or if immunity ever made a return, the checkup could instead boost the patient's immunity for three or so cycles (boosted by the doctor's medical skill). 

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4 hours ago, goboking said:

I realized how punishing the game would have to be for a doctor to be treating illnesses and injuries around the clock

It would be okay if it were often enough, not necessarily always.

But the way it is right now, it is just no fun because there is no need for a doctor. If I ever use one, then it is only for cosmetic reasons. 

4 hours ago, goboking said:

I think the better way to keep doctors busy is via medical checkups that grant dupes a productivity bonus (think Engie's Tune-Up for dupes)

The idea sounds good to me. 

But the primary problem remains: Klei needs to overhaul the game's whole germ and sickness mechanics.

Imagine a time when chlorine vents were needed and highly sought after for medical reasons.

A dream would come true :) 

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23 hours ago, goboking said:

treating illnesses and injuries around the clock.  


productivity bonus (think Engie's Tune-Up for dupes). 

around the clock should be only if you take the current approach which is completely ignore the germs and have to deal with the outcome, non-stop. If you have proper containment and disinfect procedures you can get away without the doctor- this would be the whole point.

and why the buff vs nerf approach? this would allow for complete disregard of germs again. because your base will function just fine- just like your power gen buildings function just fine without consuming refined metal- another mechanic not worth doing.

There needs to be a reward big enough to justify the hustle here. and since I mentioned generator tune up- this should also be redesigned- make the building fail or take damage regularly if they are not tuned- at freq high enough to cost more than the tune up cost by a factor of 10. that way early on your generators would cost lots of matts and you will be rewarded heavily later by having an electrical eng maintaining your gear.

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Could expand on the idea with chemical burns from chlorine.

Tried looking for negatives for hydrogen but was surprised by a simple google search, might have some hydrogen uses in medical.

Since dupes don't really trip and falling doesn't really incur damage... itchy bugs maybe?

I remember seeing a mod that can be paired with Diseases Restored called Diseases Enhanced that added a bunch of maladies, I even remember one you got from meteors that buffed your dupes but stressed them out. Always wanted to see reactions like Diseases evolving into different strains if you changed their environment; Get zombie spores into polluted water with skimmer then have is spread to ethanol or something causing it to become a different spore type, whither it would be more or less dangerous would need to be discovered. (Meaning the new germs are randorolled each game so you dunno which are the safe ones! Muahahaha!)

Either that or maybe go X-Com an have a gene lab, why ranch dreco's when you can splice up a dupe to sheer. (May have effects on dietary habits) Or we could go portal and risk the colony getting assaulted by mantis-men! Then theirs the normy route, dupe goes to doc for stress suppressants. (May or may not contain Duskcaps.) Oh, or we could get miracle cream!

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On 1/1/2024 at 7:32 PM, ChainedDjinn said:

I remember seeing a mod that can be paired with Diseases Restored called Diseases Enhanced

It's "Diseases Expanded" to be precise ;) you can have it with or without Diseases Restored, though some of new germs will be more severe if DR is around

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