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Prevent brightshade infestation

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Please Klei give us something to protect our carefully planted, nursed and organized children:apologetic:. I cannot bear avoiding seing my beloved ones anymore. Can be a new item, the crystaleyezer, whatever.

(Really, we are approaching the end of the arc, please help us)

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2 hours ago, Lil K said:

Please Klei give us something to protect our carefully planted, nursed and organized children:apologetic:. I cannot bear avoiding seing my beloved ones anymore. Can be a new item, the crystaleyezer, whatever.

(Really, we are approaching the end of the arc, please help us)

I don't think we are approaching the end of the arc, since they said that other bosses will be mutated too. This will take a lot of time.

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3 hours ago, Reiko24 said:

I don't think we are approaching the end of the arc, since they said that other bosses will be mutated too. This will take a lot of time.

That is yet another reason to add Brightshade protection

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As many says, I like to fight Brightshade. But their combat is omnipresent and it gets absolutely tiresome as it goes. They forbids us to use plants for decor as we used to, that's the most unfair point... I tend to appreciate them more on crops for the challenge, as I expect them, but it's also too frequent still imo.

I'd wish to disable them solely instead of rifts entirely ( BS don't have a world config of their own, how comes ) as anyway I got a whole chest full of bundles of their husk which stacks by 20 while Pure Brilliance stacks by 40, and I have so much less brilliance. I don't understand this decision as so many mob loots stack by 40. :(

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1 hour ago, Lil K said:

That is yet another reason to add Brightshade protection

From what was introduced in the last update I imagine preventing brightshades is going to become a lot easier as these updates go on since gestals from the portals are drawn from the same pool as brightshades if I'm understanding the notes right.

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The thing I hate the most about brightshades is that they are unavoidable. They force themselves upon you, and even if there were a way to make them avoid your base then they would still spawn somewhere else. They have no spawn limits. They don't give a damn about being close to already existing ones (I saw them spawn on top of each other in groups of 6 at some point in one of the worlds I played). If you ignore them, they will sooner or later take over every existing plant in the world, and will be in all places you need to go. And their loot is like a permanent subscription for the item you don't want and don't spend nearly enough to justify its income. At least with shadow rifts nothing will happen if you ignore the rift and decide to not engage with it for a cycle, or two, or ten. But God forbid to ignore one lunar rift - not only you will miss out on pure brilliance, unobtainable anywhere else (as of now, I know it changed in beta) but you will get from 12 to 18 brightshades added to the world with no option to avoid them. I suppose unless you remove every single plant that might attract them (even then, some respawn like berry bushes). 


Personally I solved this issue by making 10 bait brightshade gardens decorated with densely planted berries and farm crops. I put 4 houndius shootius near each garden and I visit all of them after each rift closing to remove all brightshades. Even with this setup it's an annoying chore I can't ignore which brings tons of loot I don't need and will never use (I'm getting close to filling my 2nd chest with brightshade husk bundles). And it's worse than hound attacks because at least with hounds you don't get them accumulated waiting for you if you went to the caves or the ocean for a couple of in-game seasons. 

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Unfortunetly i dont see the shades going away even if nerfed

Say klei adds 3 new poral mobs that shrink the spawn pool. Unless they severly nerf the spawnrate, all that happens is that the shades still invade.... slower, and depending on the size of your base will still bring the same problems we have now (farming pains, no bush/tuft decor etc).

And what of the new mobs? Whos to say they wont be as annoying. They added shades once, they can do it again, but for animals, or trees. They just added one for bosses. Thankfully theyre ok

Pandoras box has been opened, this is just how the game is now, brightshades and all

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