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Hey KLEI, i think it would be really cool to add a way to play with your friends in the game by competeing and or cooperating. They could perhaps start on different astoroids and have to find each other first or something like that. Love what you do with the game, keep it up <3

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1 hour ago, sebatru said:

They could perhaps start on different astoroids and have to find each other first or something like that.

I'm not sure ONI is a type of game that will do well with such multiplayer:

  1. Fast forward and pause are vital. Not having that or having to wait for other player for an hour while player designs something isn't going to be interesting.
  2. Each person has their own pace. Some would build up to rockets fast and even colonize some other planetoid by cycle 100, some would take their time and will barely start exploring by cycle 1000.
  3. Players will play in very uneven conditions. Maps often pose different problems, my latest map had a lot of geysers/vents on top of each other plus AENT right below slush geyser, it made it very hard to build around and slowed my progress considerably. Someone with geysers further from each other will spend a lot less time setting up oxygen production initially. I have no vacillator, but other player might have some, speeding up their progress slightly. Dupes are generated randomly and while one player will get the 'perfect dupe' for the job instantly, another one will have to do a lot of tries.
  4. Competition can easily deny some vital resources, even block capability to land onto planetoid (uneven surface is all that is required to block landing).
  5. With how the game treats/emulates everything, game will have some serious requirements for the network. Devs haven't even implemented threading yet, networking in some aspects is going to be a step above that in complexity.

Personally I don't see how it can work.

However some form of multiplayer might be possible: Craft the world is somewhat similar and has an 'instanced' multiplayer. Player plays normally on their map, but at some point multiplayer option unlocks for this specific map. Player selects a portal, selects whom to send, mission starts, two players share a map and either compete or cooperate to reach some goal, it has a time limit of 30 minutes. Once done, player's dwarves return with resources from the mission. Sort of an 'instanced' mission, but with one other person. Something like that can be done in ONI, a rocket bores a hole from below asteroid and dupes depart... However Craft the world is magnitude simpler. You don't need multiple cycles to set up couple rooms, half an hour of the mission equals tons of time. 'Instance-based' multiplayer is somewhat interesting, but I'm not sure if it will actually fit ONI (problems from above still stand), even if some instance-like missions (on passing asteroids or something like that) probably would be nice to have.

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8 minutes ago, AndreyKl said:
  1. Fast forward and pause are vital. Not having that or having to wait for other player for an hour while player designs something isn't going to be interesting.


in multy player they need remove those limitations

in multyplayer they need make that you are the dupe. all kind AI system must be removed at there

if player leaves map. then they can make that this player turns to AI but other than that no AI at all

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I'm starting to believe that there is only one user who thinks that if he made many accounts and post the same idea over and over it will become more loud and convince Klei to do multiplayer.

Because its so simple... Like... just add multiplayer... just set the

int AllowedNumberOfPlayers = 1;

to some bigger number, whats a big deal...?

If thats the case - no, dear determined user, posting the same post over and over again will not change the fact that Klei won't ever do shared-base, real time style of Oni multiplayer. Forget it

If that's not the case - sorry, but please search the forum for similar threads, everything on the topic was already said and there is no need to do this thing again

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I think game speed and map synchronization would be a big challenge for the developer. Who knows, perhaps they are already working on MP :confused:

Hope we get further years of ONI game development :x, it would be sad if it someday officially ends.

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