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How many med beds do I need?

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I know at any given moment most Dupes aren't going to need to use Triage Cots or Sick Bays (if you're running a base where the majority of Dupes are hurt or sick, you're either doing it wrong or very twisted LOL), but what's the ideal ratio of Dupes:Cots? and Dupes:Bays? Some things it's easy to work out like algae deoxidisers (1 for every 5-6 dupes by my maths should cover the oxygen they consume until you can get to Hydrogen), but there's no easy way to enumerate the "amount of care" a cot or a sick-bay outputs, so there's nothing to easily calculate how many spots you need for a given colony size.

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The ratio is equal to the amount of duplicants that venture out of main base frequently as heat death is the most dangerous thing that requires a triage cot as lack of oxygen = insta death (1 cot for every digger, builder, etc).

I run about 20-25 duplicants and 5-8 triage cots seems to be the sweet number, so I guess for 5-10 dupe players 2-4 triage cots should be enough depending on how many digger/builders you have.

Med bay is 1 total no matter the amount, as duplicants don't 100% get slimelung even if they spend all day in it and it takes a few seconds to treat said duplicants anyways even if more than 1 gets sick.

(After you get atmo suits for dangerous areas you only need 1-2 triage cots on the ready no matter the quantity of duplicants)

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It's very situational. Do you have an accident now and then or it is a regular occurrence that half your dupes get injured? Look at how many of your dupes tend to get hurt at the same time.

And as said atmo suits cut their use down a great deal since most injuries come from scalding and disease.

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30 minutes ago, Steve8 said:

It's very situational.


This optimal number is 0, which means you would manage your duplicants in such a way that they do not get harmed (e.g., do not send them in steaming hot water without adequate protection).

If your duplicants constantly get harmed, try figuring out how many of them usually get hurt on average? It is very difficult to answer your question without knowing how you manage your colony, how many duplicants you have, how often do you send them in harmful or potentially deadly situations, etc.

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On 9/12/2021 at 8:56 PM, gabberworld said:

well if you played the volcano map and try stop the heat spread then every dupe for one med

Lol why? You stop heat spread with dupes?


I play on volcano map, and as I said before "On my 100 dupes base I have 1 med room with 4 or 3 triage cots."


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On 9/15/2021 at 1:37 PM, gabberworld said:

i dig fast as possible to close heat and make wall

dig fast is good, but as usual it possible to dig in vacuum environment (even before 20 cycle). So, it would be not so fast, but you avoid heat damage, build walls and prepare steam chamber.

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