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64 bit is out, what about Vsync settings?

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Now we have more ram capacity for game, but it's not making sense to have it when you have 60 FPS limit vsync setting that burried in game.

Someone mentioned it five years ago in a thread, but they probably passed this idea because of ram capacity. Now we have more ram available, what are we waiting for?

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Naa, 32bit was never the reason why it was locked to 60Fps.

Iirc it's because most game animations are actually drawn, and set to be 60fps. So half the game would look choppier than the rest.

I.e. Your character walking animation runs at 60 fps, but your camera movement is running with 144fps or whatever. This might not sound like an issue, but it'll cause the following sync issue:

Screen frame 1, animation frame 1.
Screen frame 2, animation frame 1.
Screen frame 3, animation frame 1.
Screen frame 4, animation frame 2.
Screen frame 5, animation frame 2.
Screen frame 6, animation frame 3.
Screen frame 7, animation frame 3.
Screen frame 8, animation frame 4.
Screen frame 9, animation frame 4.
Screen frame 10, animation frame 5.
Screen frame 11, animation frame 5.
Screen frame 12, animation frame 5.


You see how this causes inconsistency in the framerate? This inconsistency would feel worse than the entire game running at 60Fps.

One solution would be to limit it to multiples of 60, but the animations would still look choppy in comparison to the rest of the game, so I think sticking to 60 fps for the entire game just makes it less noticable.

So while I fully support all the FPS, I think our wish won't come true any time soon, unless Klei redraws all those animations to a higher framerate. (Or at least interpolates it using some Nvidia DLSS technique or whatever. They can probably do something like that ok-ish.)

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44 minutes ago, Daniel86268 said:

You see how this causes inconsistency in the framerate? This inconsistency would feel worse than the entire game running at 60Fps

Oh I didn't know that one, now it's making sense. Thank you!

So I don't see any chance to Klei change all of their sprite's FPS to higher but DLSS technology looks quite possible. FPS changer AIs becoming more popular day by day. Let's hope it fit DST somehow.

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3 hours ago, Daniel86268 said:

Iirc it's because most game animations are actually drawn, and set to be 60fps. So half the game would look choppier than the rest.

The games animations are rendered at 30 frames per second, not 60 (Since well its 2D! 2D is made for 24/30 fps, not 60)

I don't know what you mean about the game looking choppier with "desynced" fps, because it already is "desynced" as you say.

The camera updates at a rate of 60 updates per second and the games animations as I said are 30 fps. But of course everything looks fine.


The game really doesn't need more FPS. Most things in the game either run 15 updates every second(client to server/server to client updates, the tick rate), 30 updates every second(Most components in the game: spoilage, moisture calculations and etc), or 60 updates per second(camera movement)

An FPS above 60 would benefit practically nothing.

3 hours ago, Slagger said:

FPS changer AIs becoming more popular day by day. Let's hope it fit DST somehow.

Hopefully not, 2D animations are ruined by those fps interpolators. They often ruin the work of the original animation and how the artist intended for the animation to move.


This is probably the best video that talks about this topic and why smoother animations dont actually mean better animations in general. If you're interested I'd absolutely watch the video :smile:



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20 hours ago, Hornete said:

Hopefully not, 2D animations are ruined by those fps interpolators. They often ruin the work of the original animation and how the artist intended for the animation to move.


I don't think devs wanted to make animation look laggy, I don't think it's an artstyle, it's an insufficiency. It looks annoying when you get used to play with high fps.

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25 minutes ago, Slagger said:

I don't think devs wanted to make animation look laggy, I don't think it's an artstyle, it's an insufficiency. It looks annoying when you get used to play with high fps.

But regular eyes, as far as i know,  only detects 60fps not more so anyways is a waste increasing it to +60

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4 hours ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

But regular eyes, as far as i know,  only detects 60fps not more so anyways is a waste increasing it to +60

This is not true.

Human eyes can see around 30-60 frames, that's correct, but it doesn't mean you will not be able to see any difference. You will not able to see all frames, but low FPS games will look blurry and laggy. You can notice if you test it on a game that you are able to change FPS like Minecraft. High FPS looks much smooth and nicer in most of games.

As you can see from this website if you put settings like that:


You will see the second moon (60 FPS one is blurry) and laggy. You can see the difference clearly here.


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9 hours ago, Slagger said:

I don't think devs wanted to make animation look laggy, I don't think it's an artstyle, it's an insufficiency. It looks annoying when you get used to play with high fps.

It's part of the artstyle of the game. It's intended to look like that as far as I know. Also, better frame rate doesn't always mean better animation. A high frame rate animation can also be choppy.

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3 hours ago, Slagger said:

You will see the second moon (60 FPS one is blurry) and laggy. You can see the difference clearly here.


This is Motion blur enabled vs motion blur disabled... you... know you can't see the difference between frame rates from a still image right?



1 minute ago, Lucemodok said:

It's part of the artstyle of the game. It's intended to look like that as far as I know

Yep, and its literally part of the style of 2D animation as a whole. It's been done in 24/30 FPS ever since it has existed.

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41 minutes ago, Hornete said:

This is Motion blur enabled vs motion blur disabled... you... know you can't see the difference between frame rates from a still image right?

I just can and proved it with blinds tests to myself (asked for my brother change FPS randomly and I ordered them right). You really can feel when you have over 60 FPS, it's not placebo. You can feel the smooth feeling.

42 minutes ago, Hornete said:

Yep, and its literally part of the style of 2D animation as a whole. It's been done in 24/30 FPS ever since it has existed.

I think I didn't notice it, IDK.

I'm not obsessed with high FPS guys, I think same about some animations looks better with low frame. In DST trailers, the animation just looks as you guys say with low frame but with flickering/noisy lines whick makes it look like handrawing old cartoons and I love it. For example, cuphead is great and the animations only have 24 frames per sec and it feels natural in all game. But in DST everything have high animations while character don't have. The characters don't have general drawings, it's using skeletons instead which make them feel "stuttering".

Sorry if I couldn't use right words or gave any wrong ideas, there is so much terms (and my english is pig-level). Also I know the Hornet is drawing animation and sprites which makes him have much, much more knowledge than me, so probably I'm wrong lol.


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9 hours ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

But regular eyes, as far as i know,  only detects 60fps not more so anyways is a waste increasing it to +60

this not true i play using 144fps monitor and my eyes definitely can detect the 144 fps compared to 60fps, it's a huge difference.. unfortunately it doesnt work for dst 144fps dst becomes extremely choppy the game's not compatible with anything other than 60fps or lower (and for me it doesn't even look like it's 60fps game always looks sorta choppy and stuttery :wilson_resigned:)

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