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Is there a new rocket fuel calculator?

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Im not on dlc yet I wanna get all achievements first before moving on, I've been using the calculator online but I notice its not accurate by a looottttt, just trying to get past 20000km with noth but 2 large cargo bay, oxylite and petroleum fuel and the calculator is telling me to fuel 1000kg of both oxylite and petroleum but when I tested lower Quantity of fuels 396oxy and 400 petroleum its already enough to get me to my destination. So obviously either I'm not updated that it's been discontinued due to the DLC or that its no longer updated by the author or maker. I wonder how do you calculate manually?

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1 hour ago, Lutzkhie said:

Yeah, it doesnt seem to be accurate its telling me to fuel 1000kg of both oxylite and petroleum just to get the 2nd later of asteroid


I had the same issues with that page link before the dlc was out, that calculator always had some flaws.

"Acheivable distance vs. Fuel" :lol: Its a fast hack info page, the operator never bothered to fix the typo in the last +12 months. Its fire and forget...

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33 minutes ago, sheaker said:

With two cargo modules and oxylite as oxidant this is reasonable. You need two fuel tanks as well so the weight rises. Try to condensate oxygen first. It is easy doable without space materials.

I can use 2 cargo with 400kg petroleum and 400kg oxylite, the issue is the calculator its wrong, 

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I see no issues with calculator.
Here is Your setup as per calculator:



2 hours ago, Lutzkhie said:

Quantity of fuels 396oxy and 400 petroleum its already enough to get me to my destination.

This amount is just enough for 10000km distance:

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