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I think it would be cool if there was something that hunted the countless amounts of rabbits like some sort wolves or even those massive spiders, it would also add another level of interest if we could build a farm for animals or even capture rare ones to breed a unique species that might cause havok in the ecosystem by wiping out the rabbits the spiders eat so you'd have to balance it out with different sorts of breeding creations

I think it would also be neat if there was NPC doing the same thing as we're doing cutting down trees and basically surviving themselves...maybe we can even steal from them or get the monsters on our side to attack those NPCs.

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An interesting idea, it would be fun to have to compete with wolves to get out precious bunny morsels. Also breeding animals could be fun and make it possible to have a very unique farm (we have the hat already).

I have a bit of doubt about NPC's, they could ruin the vibe of having to survive alone in an unknown world full of dangers.

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I believe Klei is interested in developing an ecosystem for Don't Starve. Whether that ecosystem can be impacted by the player's actions to the point where is starts to collapse is another question.

I also agree with 501105 in that I wouldn't care for other NPCs; I prefer my solitude. In fact, that may end up being my new post signature. ;)

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thanks for responding guys.

I remember there being a MMO where if you kept killing the animals around the area they'd become extinct or they would migrate to a different location because they had their natural enemies killing/eating them and had us killing them as well so they had to leave the area entirely for another suitable area, so I thought that might be a neat idea for this game if the prey also had predators hunting it.

I also thinking capturing instead of killing would be interesting to especially rare breeds of certain species and mixing them with others to see what comes from it. I know creature 4 does this with their ecosystem.


the rabbits in their game actually eat the food and breed and have babies, crabs do the same thing and come out in weird variations (different colors)

just little things that makes feeling lonely interesting and surviving harder as you're competing with the local habitat

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I'm not sure if you could implement such complex ecosystems (I'm talking about the Creature 4's ones), but the whole idea is intriguing indeed, to say the least. I was already thinking of something really similar, to be quite honest, although what I've in mind may deserve its own thread.

Regarding NPCs, I don't see why they need to be people. They can be whatever spooky monstruosity the devs' mind can come up with; civilized creatures, maybe: why the hell shouldn't they be also that? Wasn't this game about making our pointless lives insanely harder?

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I'm not sure if you could implement such complex ecosystems (I'm talking about the Creature 4's ones), but the whole idea is intriguing indeed, to say the least. I was already thinking of something really similar, to be quite honest, although what I've in mind may deserve its own thread.

Regarding NPCs, I don't see why they need to be people. They can be whatever spooky monstruosity the devs' mind can come up with; civilized creatures, maybe: why the hell shouldn't they be also that? Wasn't this game about making our pointless lives insanely harder?

yeah it doesn't necessarily have to be human :-) it could easily be something like a pigmen/monkey men/ spiders that eat the on so forth it can be a really dynamic world you just never know what is going on until you find your way into it

I personally would love to kill a pigman and a bunch of beefalo branches or beefalo drops from him..but there also should be a lasting risk killing one of them so the player doesn't go berserk with it or try to exploit it with letting something else kill the pigmen.

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^_^ yay for Monkey men. I am happy to see quite a few suggestions revolve around the ecosystem so it will all mesh well together and make sense and maybe some random unique things will happen...maybe a Pig will give a Monkey a banana to fight off a gigantic tentacle boss that appears if you survive 1000 days lol

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there are many rumours regarding the monkey men.

There is already a semi eco system.

Frogs and tentacles balance eventually. As do spiders in the tentacle world.

The pigs fight the spiders. Things do interact.

Though I can't remember the last time LadyD was wrong(wasn't I new to this forum, you may ask? Well, I've always been around), I must point out that a semi-ecosystem isn't remotely an ecosystem. In fact, AI interacting each other doesn't have anything to do with a complex and self-sustaining ecosystem. I don't mean that the current setup doesn't sustain itself, but it's inelastic and inable to properly recover from a nasty, large-scale event.

Plants other than evergreens simply extinct if they're gradually removed/burned down. Bunnies and crows appear out of thin air, while beefalos seem to be somehow serile. I'm not sure if you have a degree in biology, zoology or similar subjects (I know you have three: other than that, this it's still the internet u.u) but even if you don't, you should be able to recognize what we mean by ecosystem.

Alright, I think I'm set.

Whatever happens after I post this, tell Klei Entertainment I love their games.

Edited by Xaphedo
Errata Corrige
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Though I can't remember the last time LadyD was wrong(wasn't I new to this forum, you may ask? Well, I've always been around), I must point out that a semi-ecosystem isn't remotely an ecosystem. In fact, AI interacting each other doesn't have anything to do with a complex and self-sustaining ecosystem. I don't mean that the current setup doesn't sustain itself, but it's inelastic and inable to properly recover from a nasty, large-scale event.

Plants other than evergreens simply extinct if they're gradually removed/burned down. Bunnies and crows appear out of thin air, while beefalos seem to be somehow serile. I'm not sure if you have a degree in biology, zoology or similar subjects (I know you have three: other than that, this it's still the internet u.u) but even if you don't, you should be able to recognize what we mean by ecosystem.

True, but keep in mind that even Minecraft faced similar issues with its animals. In fact, to this day I cannot fathom why giant spiders don't raid my farm and eat every delicious animal in sight. The fact that animals appeared, and still appear from time to time, from seemingly nowhere is odd. However, when Minecraft added baby animals that helped close the loop a bit, and I think that will be a route Don't Starve will take. Baby beefalo would allow herds to repopulate, while tall bird eggs could hatch.

As for bunnies, I think a killed bunny should leave its hole empty (i.e. no bunny spawns for it) for several days and then have a new bunny appear. As for crows... maybe nests somewhere? Maybe fewer crows appearing?

Also I'm of the opinion beefalo should eat grass and if there's no grass to eat those beefalo eventually die (starve), keeping the balance in check. Same if you raise a tamed beefalo and cannot keep it fed with grass. I'm fine with bunnies and crows not actually eating something to live, but they should be a hazard to food left lying on the ground and garden crops. Spiders should also attack beefalo that venture too close to their nests to sleep at night. Beefalo aren't weak, so it would be interesting when this happens.

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there are many rumours regarding the monkey men.

There is already a semi eco system.

Frogs and tentacles balance eventually. As do spiders in the tentacle world.

The pigs fight the spiders. Things do interact.

Yeah, I've noticed that interaction which is fantastic but I've noticed the interaction happens if you cause it or certain random placement of things due to the generator make it happen like pig men living near a swamp and getting slaughtered by a tentacle thing - I would be interested to see a pigman leave his camp and hunting some beefalo and chopping down wood to make cabins for baby pig men lol (okay thats going a little to far)

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Hey would it be possible to have HP bars for monsters and trees etc. ? :-)

It could be possible, but I certainly wouldn't want it. I hit things and either they die... or I become frightened and run away when they don't. That's the fun of survival. As for trees... it's not like mining obsidian in Minecraft, they don't take that long to chop down. So again, I wouldn't think they need them.

And is it Possible to have the storage survive your death?

Actually people usually ask for the opposite. Right now research point and unlocked inventions carry-over between games. I personally would like to see this stopped. The idea of having potentially several chests worth of gear also carry-over... that doesn't sound entertaining at all (at least to me).

And could you make a Cooking/Building/Crafting Que so that you can Que instead of having to do it 1by1 :) thanks

I'm not sure about the need for a que... are you're hardly starting/tracking multiple tasks, like in XCOM or Starcraft. I believe the one issue that did come up has been resolved, namely that the crafting menu doesn't close after you build something, unless its a placeable object (i.e. chest).

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