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Crock Pot Recipes Visual Guide

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8 hours ago, ShakerGER said:

Not only that but since everything is so muddy the numbers are incredbly hard to read. Also it doesn't appear to be sorted in any way.

Yeah, It is vaguely sorted by ingredient. Sorry for the overall poor aesthetic I don't have any professional tools. I mainly don't look at the numbers just the ingredients to see what is available, I would love it if someone with much more talent than me, Like xFungus, would make a cleaner version of this. Here's hoping the work I did do is helpful to some. 

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This would be helpful for quick reference if one forgot what was needed for a certain dish, but as others have mentioned it is poorly organized, if someone were to organize whether it be the author or another forum user, I would like to make a suggestion; if possible could you organize so that there would be a clear difference between meat dishes and vegetable dishes as so a player with a restrictive diet, such as Wurt, would have an easier time reading at a glance what they can make instead of having to search for it. 

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