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My webber refresh ideas

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Versión en español 


Versión en español
Hey! Es uno de los primeros foros que escribo así que realmente no se como hacer esto...

Webber es uno de mis personajes favoritos en Don't Starve, con los rework de personajes mas recientes se podría decir que ha quedado un poco olvidado, el rework de wendy y woodie incluyeron mejoras incluso mas eficientes de obtener recursos de araña. Por lo cual, aquí traigo unas ideas para Webber que pienso que encajan con el personaje, para esto me basé en sus citas dentro del juego y lo que conocemos de él actualmente. También tomé en cuenta algunas ideas de otros foros relacionados a este tema.

Forma araña y humana
Webber ahora tendría la capacidad de poder intercambiar entre ser humano o araña, al empezar el juego comienzas en forma araña pero tienes la posibilidad de dar click derecho o algo así en tu personaje para que webber pueda salir de dentro de la araña. Si estas en la forma humana una araña bebé te seguirá, la araña actúa como cualquier mascota, es inmortal y no ataca, dar click derecho en esta hará que webber pueda estar de nuevo en la forma araña.

Forma araña


En su forma araña ciertamente seria casi el mismo Webber que tenemos actualmente pero con ligeras mejoras.

Estadísticas: Se conservan las mismas de webber actual
Hambre: 175
Cordura: 100
Vida 175

Las arañas son pasivas hacia ti
-No te ralentizas al caminar por redes de araña
-Puedes comer carne de monstruo sin penalizaciones
-Le crece una barba sedosa
-Puedes ser amigo de arañas
-Webber puede desmantelar nidos de nivel 3 sin provocar una reina araña, obtendrá el huevo de araña y 6 sedas
-Puede dormir en los nidos
-Puede domesticar una reina araña
-Puedes elegir cuando una araña deje de seguirte

-Los catcoons, cerdos y bunnyman son agresivos hacia él


Forma humana


Aun estoy pensando en ideas que pudieran hacer que Webber tenga la necesidad de cambiar entre ambas formas, pero por el momento pienso que su forma humana seria significativamente más débil en relación a su forma de araña, compensando la falta de su desventaja de ser atacado por cerdos y esas criaturas, también no debería ser muy útil en combate. Seria bastante buena para recolectar materiales no relacionados con arañas.

Estadísticas: Algunas estadísticas son cambiadas por la ausencia de la araña
Hambre: 150
Cordura: 100
Vida: 100

-Los catcoons, cerdos y los conejos son pasivos hacia él (Aún así Webber no quiere ser sus amigos)
-Pierde menos cordura estando cerca de otros jugadores
-El proceso de crecimiento de barba se refleja en la araña bebé
-Webber puede ordeñar cabras eléctricas para obtener leche
-Webber se cura solo la mitad al comer alimentos, el otro 50% se dirige a la forma araña

-Atacar arañas en forma humana hará que Webber pierda cordura
-Pierde sus habilidades de forma araña
 (Igual que cualquier personaje default)
-Baja Vida máxima

Webber en general
Habilidades únicas:
-Puede hacer vendajes de seda (x3 sedas, x1 glándula de araña) cura 40 de salud progresivamente
-Puede construir telares donde las arañas tejerán (4x sedas, 2x tablas, 2x cuerdas) Solo puede ser usado en la forma araña
-Puede mejorar a las arañas para que tengan habilidades únicas (Me gustaria destacar la idea de The batting bat)

También quiero expandir sus habilidades en forma humana y araña para que tengan algún tipo de relación entre ellos y quiero que sea necesario tener que cambiar entre uno y otro, así que si tienes alguna sugerencia sería genial si los pones en las respuestas. adiós!


English Version


English Version
Hey! It's one of the first forums I wrote so I really don't know how to do this...

Webber is one of my favorite characters in Don't Starve, with the most recent character reworks it could be said that it has been a bit forgotten, the rework of wendy and woodie included improvements even more efficient to obtain spider resources. So here are some ideas for Webber that I think fit the character, for this I based on his quotes in the game and what we know about him today. I also took into account some ideas from other forums related to this topic.

Spider and human form
Webber would now have the ability to switch between human or spider, when you start the game you start in spider form but you have the possibility to right click or something like that on your character so that webber can get out of the spider. If you are in human form a baby spider will follow you, the spider acts like any pet, it is immortal and does not attack, right clicking on it will make the webber be in spider form again.

Spider form


In its spider form it would certainly be almost the same Webber we currently have but with slight improvements.

Statistics: The same as the current webber are preserved
Hunger: 175
Sanity: 100
Health 175

-Spiders are passive towards you
-You don't slow down when walking through spider webs
-You can eat monster meat without penalties
-Grow a silky beard
-You can be friends with spiders
-Webber can dismantle level 3 nests without provoking a spider queen, you will get the spider egg and 6 silks
-Can sleep in nests
-Can tame a spider queen
-You can choose when a spider stops following you

-Catcoons, pigs and bunnyman are aggressive towards him

Human form


I'm still thinking of ideas that might make Webber have the need to switch between the two forms, but for the moment I think that his human form would be significantly weaker relative to his spider form, making up for the lack of his disadvantage of being attacked by pigs and those creatures, it should also not be very useful in combat. It would be pretty good for collecting non-spider materials.

Statistics: Some statistics are changed by the absence of the spider
Hunger: 150
Sanity: 100
Health: 100

-Catcoons, pigs and bunnyman are passive towards him (Still Webber doesn't want to be his friends)
-Lose less sanity around other players
-The beard growth process is reflected in the baby spider
-Webber can milk electric goats for milk
-Webber heals only half when eating food, the other 50% goes to the spider form

-Attacking spiders in human form will cause Webber to lose sanity
-Loses its spider form abilities (so it is the same as any default character)
-Low maximum life

Webber in general
Unique tweaks:
-Can make silk bandages (x3 silk, x1 spider gland) heal 40 health progressively
-Can build looms where spiders will weave (4x silk, 2x boards, 2x ropes) Can only be used in spider form

-You can upgrade spiders to have unique abilities (I would like to highlight the idea of The batting bat)

I also want to expand their abilities in the human and spider form so that they have some kind of relationship between them and and I want it to be necessary to have to switch between one and the other, so if you have any suggestions it would be great if you put them in the replies. bye!


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7 minutes ago, stranger again said:

first of all welcome to the forums second 


Webber's quote for Volt Goat: "My father kept goats" and for Ewelet: "Father taught me how to take care of goats!", My idea is that his human form is focused on his life before entering the constant. It also makes it easier for Webber to get ice cream.

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Firstly welcome to forum. You shared your ideas and here is my ideas about yours.

On 11/14/2020 at 7:06 PM, Adam_Webster said:

Spider and human form

If his spider body was a curse, that would make sense. But he live with his spider body in symbiotic system. I mean it's not a kind of magic that he can chance it. Changing when eating something would be okay but this is not making sense (But sadly changing when eating point was picked by Woodie. Formchanging is woodie's thing)

On 11/14/2020 at 7:06 PM, Adam_Webster said:

-Can make silk bandages (x3 silk, x1 spider gland) heal 40 health progressively

We already have gland and silk healing items. Also healing is not a big problem for Webber. Even gland spam Will be enough.

On 11/14/2020 at 7:06 PM, Adam_Webster said:

Can build looms where spiders will weave (4x silk, 2x boards, 2x ropes) Can only be used in spider form

I don't get what will they weave. If you are talking about silk, it's not necessary bc I even can't use that much silk. While playing Webber, I have chests of silk.

Also I think personalized spiders are cool. I was said something like that before.

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I was thinking of a webber update that doesn't change things to make it more OP, but to have a more dynamic play style and feel more alive (And expand Webber's lore), I like how it is currently, without any skills that can break the game.

6 hours ago, Slagger said:

If his spider body was a curse, that would make sense. But he live with his spider body in symbiotic system. I mean it's not a kind of magic that he can chance it. Changing when eating something would be okay but this is not making sense (But sadly changing when eating point was picked by Woodie. Formchanging is woodie's thing)

Regarding the transformations, I literally imagined the webber coming out of the spider's stomach, a little weird but cool.


6 hours ago, Slagger said:

We already have gland and silk healing items. Also healing is not a big problem for Webber. Even gland spam Will be enough.

I remembered the silk that webber had in his skin survivor in what are supposed to be wounds, so I thought of some bandages that he could make.


6 hours ago, Slagger said:

I don't get what will they weave. If you are talking about silk, it's not necessary bc I even can't use that much silk. While playing Webber, I have chests of silk.

And the looms are to produce silk, perhaps not as efficient as spider wars but it would be more related to the idea of a child friend of the arachnids, getting their materials in peaceful ways and not causing them to kill each other.


6 hours ago, Slagger said:

Also I think personalized spiders are cool. I was said something like that before.

Yeah! seems to be a good idea.

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Webber's refresh is gonna be like Wigfrid's refresh, it'll mostly be the same - Webber can milk goats and can now bring those armored spiders/spitters nests to the surface

I'm placing bets on Webber refreshed on spring maybe his birthday April 30 (down came the rain & wash the spider out)

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