Easy loop negotation build (maybe too easy?)


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I dunno if you like to share """funny""" build here but I've been experimenting a Negotiation deck during a Brawl as I had nothing great at the start, but it turned out useful.

All you need is :

  1. The Known Tug status card (Deal 1 random damage when you draw a card),
  2. The Seeker's Coin or Sifting Coin (Draw 1 card when you flip Head),
  3. 11 cards or less in your deck, remove any surplus you have,
  4. Upgrade Call it to Decisive Call it (set the coin).

The strategy is to have an empty discard and draw pile, the only card you have to play is Decisive Call it and flip Head, the coin will make you draw the other Call it card and repeat, each Call it played will cause 1 damage per Known Tug card in your hand.

I don't really recommend it but it's one of the easiest loop to set up imo, the only upgrade you can get in this deck is Fallout, which make 2 additional damages when you gamble, so look for it. I've recorded the loop in case you want to see it.


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