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Be able to move/remove permanent world-gen entities

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The point of this suggestion is actually a bit different than you'd think. I am NOT suggesting being able to move Reeds, Magma Pools, Moon Stone, etc into your base, I am suggesting that you be able to naturally remove things like Moose/Goose spawners, Ponds, MacTusk camps (*sigh* I know), etc. I can't tell you how many times I've had an ideal base location hindered because of a badly placed Pond or Moose/Goose during world-gen, and either re-do the world or base in a less than ideal location. Being able to remove certain immovable objects would help to choose bases much more effectively (IE: you could have the most godly world generation only to have to find somewhere else to base because you are too close to the grouping of frog ponds). There are some other points I thought to make but I didn't want to clutter this post with my own nonsense.

Tell me what you think, and if you have any ideas or suggestions of your own on how you would do it please feel free to share.

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That would be great, these buildings / structures are one of the most important assets of a map and it feels bad to have a good map but with some misplaced elements you can't move a inch.

I would like to recommend something special for that, you remember the construction or upgrade system with the Portal Paraphernalia or DIY Royalty Kit ?

Wouldn't it be so nice if we add a sort of construction station to craft ponds, walrus camps and everything else with placeable construction signs ? But they actually cost you a lot of resources and one of the building you want to build, so maybe add in the same occasion a new late-game tool like a hammer/shovel that can be used to destroy ponds/etc and loot an item needed to build a new one, so you actually can't duplicate structures but move them for a cost... could work honestly !

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i would love to be able to teleport boulders, squeletons from oasis and that kind of stuff for decoration but moving on destroying boss spawns or other kind of mobs... just is the downside of having those spawns points

i love when im dumb and make a base near of moose goose spawn, its hilarious and also a "challenge" for every spring if i want to keep safe my food sources or fences. Just kill her quick and hammer the egg in the first days of spring

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