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Antlion am I right?

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Isn't antlion a bit... weak and it's not worth to fight her unless you go afk alot or you want the awesome blueprint that almost never gets used. Due to needing 2 players. Feeding her trinkets is a waste because killing her is super easy. Just antlion is a little disappointing gotta say.(so is summer because you can hide in the caves but shhh) perhaps antlion could use a little fresh water and a reason to fight her a little more than "why not?". (If you have your own ideas to add go ahead)

Ok first off hp is more than low because her attacks dont require you to run off when you can just *slide to the left* and *criss cross*. Which allows you to get alot more attacks in.

Perhaps another attack to actually get a hit off of you by trapping you in sand and chomping at you.

 Her blueprint could be like wagstaffs teleporter and you can teleport to the nearest one if your in range.

See look at that isn't that a slightly better boss to fight? With a cherry on top of this being almost no changes to what she does normally and now you got yourself a reason to die to antlion. 

 if you think I'm wrong please explain why.

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i think the fight is well, he has a unique atack but having the same amount of health than other seasonal bosses but slower atack make the fight to short to have problems. 

The only thing i want is to have another use for the stones that she drops or maybe few gems (she should drop a orange gem for noncave servers)

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Antlion is not a boss to fight, it's a boss to worship. It will give much more, if you worship it and give it your unconditional attention. It even gives glass spikes and glass castles to notify how it is better to keep your only God alive. Once you understand that, you will never want to slay your keeper.


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If the teleporter could be used by a single person, and the sinkholes happened more often and were more of a threat then the Antlion would instantly be a good summer threat and objective.


Sadly, the boss is pretty easy even without just gunpowder cheesing, her drop is only good in a multiplayer situation where 2 people are coordinated enough to make it worth teleporting instead of just walking, and the sinkholes arent really much of a problem that needs to be dealt with.

I cant imagine newer, unaware players struggling with the sinkholes either, you might get suprised the first time it happens, but its easy to avoid once you understand how it works.

I always play with Antlion on max in my world, but frankly it just goes from barely an issue, to slightly annoying.


I hope summer as a whole gets a second pass, theres a lot that can be done with the new additions, like the Oasis Lake, and the Antlion.

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The Lazy Deserter isn't that useless.  Its a good way to bomb your sanity to zero.  I like building them on the lunar island so I can reset my lunacy while I'm there.  I like going back to the lunar island to build wickerbottom farms so its a place I return to often enough to invest in.

As for the antlion I think the main problem is its worth more alive than dead.  Once you get the blueprint there isn't any gain from killing it, and if you're in the caves for summer its free rocks...  We fight dfly, bqueen, afw ect over and over again because we need their drops again and again.  AntLion is a one-and-done boss with a pretty niche drop similar to CrabKing.  If either was given a consumable drop that was reasonably valuable we'd see them on the list of bosses to farm.

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I thought Antlions craters was just a Summer Mechanic... where the ground beneath your feet was getting so hot that it was collapsing in on itself.. I have found that if you ignore Antlions existence that her normal 3 crater attacks, can extend up to 7.

DST needs less focus on bosses.. and more focus on puzzle, biome, mob & season hazards.

Those four things are the TL:DR of what made Don’t Starve Single Player so great.

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This may not be completely related to this topic, but I'd like to point out the fact that the Lazy Deserter has one more use that is lesser known, which is if someone touches the Deserter, then you can just right-click a Desert Stone in your inventory, and teleport to the other player. That's all I wanted to say okay bye

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1 hour ago, DaZoul said:

This may not be completely related to this topic, but I'd like to point out the fact that the Lazy Deserter has one more use that is lesser known, which is if someone touches the Deserter, then you can just right-click a Desert Stone in your inventory, and teleport to the other player. That's all I wanted to say okay bye

That is what we are talking, that you need 2 players or is almost useless because is the main use of it

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