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Okay, so herds (and relocating them)

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In my current world I wanted to relocate some animals and all my attempts failed. I think I need some help :(

1. How to relocate beefalos?

I have built a pen for them, I have replaced the turf inside it with Savannah turf, then I lured the entire herd in there using the beefalo horn. Next I know the pen is demolished (probably got in heat and attacked it because a butterfly flew by or something) and the beefs peaced off to their regular spot. I would accept the pen getting destroyed if they got heated, but why did they leave the area? :( I thought all they needed was the entire herd moved+Savannah turf.

2. How to relocate volt goats without hating myself?

Look, I've done it the pain way before. Meaning you kill all but 1 and push the 1 at night like a lunatic step by step. It's awful I don't want to do this again. But when I tried to move the goat by scaring it, it later returned to its old spot. All the way, so no herd point seemed to have updated on the way. How does it work exactly? I've tried googling it, but everyone says a different thing and I don't know whom to trust.

3. How to relocate rockys?

I have an issue in my caves, my rock lobsters are misbehaving. I actually don't know what they're doing, they seem to split and wander, get stuck in weird spots etc ever since I took them on a monkey-hunting escapade. What are their herd mechanics? How can I make them a home somewhere where they will always return after the stone-feed companionship timer runs out? I can never find these ******* anymore when I need them, I'd like to gather them up but I don't know how to make them stick to an area afterwards. They're worse than children.

4. Ruin regeneration vs monkey pods

I hate splumonkeys. I've read that if I regenerate my ruins all my hard extinction work will be in vain, their pods will respawn. Question is - what if I built something where the pods used to be? Would the building disappear? Or would the pod not spawn? Or would it spawn elsewhere? What happens?


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I will approach the goat topic at least for now, since i tend to farm them as much as possible. The best time to move them is during the day, but it's a bit tedious.

You do the usual kill all but 1, but then you "scare" the remaining one 1 step at a time, or like 3-4 tiles at a time, then wait until it feels "confortable" aka doesn't return to it's original spot, but heads in a different direction. Then u can repeat the process, until u get her do your desired location. It would only reproduce if it's comfortable and not if it tries to get back to another location. It can be also done during dusk, but during dusk i've seen that goats tend to want to return alot more. I think helicalipuma had a video on goat pens on youtube, but maybe my explanation was clear enough. :D


And i could approach monkeyponds too, as far as i know the buildings will be destroyed. What you can do is make walls around their pens, this way you'll be safe even after the regenerations.

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1 hour ago, Ellilea said:

How to relocate beefalos?

Ever since they changed the way beefalos reproduce, its super hard to relocate them to a place they want to stay at (or at least I wasn't sucesful). I'd appreciate help on the topic as well, if there is a way, that is.


1 hour ago, Ellilea said:

How to relocate rockys

I get them stuck in cave ins, or walls, wherever I want them to stay. The walls can have a gap of one tile inbetween them, they are thicc and cant pass through. They always try to return to their original biome, but keeping them stuck lets me use them to deal with depth worms.


1 hour ago, Ellilea said:

Ruin regeneration vs monkey pods

I hate them too. You could build traps around them, make a statues wall and place a few catapults to mass farm them, or make a tentacle trap to get rid of the monkey train. The truth is that every time you kill fuelweaver, they will be back, and you will eventually get tired of exterminating them, unless you want banana pops, morsels or hair.

Beeclops is right, encasing their houses in walls or fences is the easiest long term solution to stop worrying about them altogether.

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The other day I found out I can telelocate Bearger to the Lunar Isles and it changed my life, in a good way.

Now I'm finding out the *** **** Splumonkey pods I spent weeks burning down will regenerate after killing the Fuelweaver and my life has changed again, this time in a very bad way.

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I have huge fields of the damn monkey pods. I built an army of Rockys and then launched an attack on them while nightmare phase was on and they were aggressive. That helped eradicate them in big amounts and left the houses free to demolish. But while it can be fun once or twice, I'd really rather they didn't regenerate lol. Thought I could slap a victory sign on top of them and prevent the houses from returning, but maybe not. Didn't see anything about Bunny Hutches coming back and those are WAY nicer.

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3 hours ago, WoodieMain45684 said:

For the spluemonkeys, could you just put boulders around their spawn location or other impassible non-walls? 


Walls or fences are reliable, though avoid building fences diagonally, as the monkeys can clip through them. Boulders, sculptures or non-walls will let some pass through when you walk away and unload the area.

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I don't know if this will help, but In one of my old games I was trying to domesticate a beefalo, and the child with that one beefalo grew up and coincidently stayed in that location and preceded to make 3 giant herds of beefalo all by it's lonesome self in the deciduous biome. So maybe for beefalo when they grow up they have a set spawn point, if there by themselves?

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