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"Idle" should be renamed "trapped" when cut off from the world

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The seemingly harmless notification "Idle" usually means a dupe is trapped and will soon suffocate/run out of food/etc and is always a top priority to handle.

When a dupe is in that situation for a certain (short) amount of time, it should mark "trapped" and sound the alarm rather than wait until it's an emergency.

The short time is needed for the cases where multiple dupes work together, trap one another and free them a second later - no use alarming for those cases.

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I think they already try to go to the rec room/printer when they are idle if it's reachable. Thought of that, but it won't work for people who send dupes to live in remote areas that might not have rec rooms or the printer. That said, it's still probably better than what we currently have.

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I have to agree with what's been said, have them go to rec room or printing pod.

If they're in a remote location away from a rec room or the printing pod, have them go to either the nearest mess hall or back to their bedroom. 

If people aren't complete monsters there shouldn't be any worry because they have the human decency to give duplicants a bed. >.>

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I really agree we need a "trapped" warning/notification (Maybe start out as a notification then upgrade to a warning as they get hungry, need to go to the toilet or get close to suffocating) so we get a chance to rescue our dupes when they find surprising ways to get stuck up on ledges or down holes.

For dupes who start suffocating stuck up on ledges, where they could save themselves if they jumped down, it would be great if they could jump down on their own, taking some falling damage but saving themselves instead of just standing around until they die.

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Related to this, the idle "POP" sound should be debounced/throttled. When you're just barely at enough tasks to keep your dupes busy the idle pop can play many many times in succession. pop pop pop pop pop. Please, for the love of Meep, make it stop. Add a cooldown of like 3 or 5 seconds before it can play again.

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