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Liquid Reservoir deconstruct should spill water instead giving 5t bottle

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Currently when you deconstruct liquid reservoir you get 5t of bottled water.
It is easy exploitable to make unlimited liquid reserves in single tile.

I know it runs this way will all solid stuff, but liquids management is so nice implemented, that it should not be the case here. I would expect deconstructing full reservoir would spill liquid all around just like it does will all pipes. Or to empty it without spilling you would need pipe emptying skill.

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I think it`s to prevent disasters that could happen when a reservoir overheats or the liquid inside boils or freezes. 5t is a lot and it spilling out all at once would be horrible to deal with. Experienced players can deal with it but for newer ones it would be a game ending disaster.

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This is actually not related to the amount of liquid stored. All buildings call a DropAll function when deconstructed. Anything stored in the component "storage" is dropped, which means that all solids drop as pickups, gases vent into the air, and liquids are put into bottles. Pipes are special, as they don't have this storage component. Instead they use a conduit flow class, which operates differently.

Anyway, my point is that there is no special rule for liquid reservoirs. All buildings use the same rule. If you change the rule, then deconstructing a toilet will also spill water. Of course there could be more than one rule, but probably nobody thought this is important.

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