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More unique townhouse variants

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I never realized quite how similar all the houses are until I saw them all collected:


As you can see, 4/6 of the houses use the same standard template. Only the old lady and old man traders have different completely houses.

So, do you guys think there should be more townhouse styles, or are you alright with the current state of them?

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What the above commenter said.

I'd love more variety, but they do have more important stuff going on.

I won't say to add new icons for each house, but a new icon for general houses would be welcomed instead of using the old Pigman house.

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1 hour ago, Angel_Octoling said:

I won't say to add new icons for each house, but a new icon for general houses would be welcomed instead of using the old Pigman house.

I actually really like that townhouses still use the regular pig house icon, it's cute. I do imagine it'd get confusing with merged crafting, though, if you build a Hamlet city in RoG (or vice-versa.)

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No, the town house type and pig type is independently randomized [1].


[1] See the call in prefabs/pighouse_city.lua:L355 ConfigureSpawner which performs:

    inst.components.spawner:Configure( selected_citizens[math.random(1,#selected_citizens)], TUNING.PIGHOUSE_CITY_RESPAWNTIME, 1)


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