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Royal Gallery Idea

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So I've been thinking... the Royal Gallery only has 3 items currently. And there are more than 3 things to trade for the Keys. So, I came up with the perfect item to be sold in the Gallery. It's called the Industrial Pitchfork. It works just like a normal Pitchfork, except it can dig up Deep and Gas Rainforest Turf. That way, we could transplant Nettles to a better location. Plus it is just the best turf in terms of cosmetic use.

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I like the idea, but I can't imagine it being implemented. The reason you can't dig up the Rainforest turfs is that the canopy and gas effects are tied to the turfs, rather than the biomes. If you spawn in "turf_gasjungle" and place it down, that spot will permanently have a canopy and gas effect.

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23 minutes ago, SpoonyBardIV said:

So I've been thinking... the Royal Gallery only has 3 items currently. And there are more than 3 things to trade for the Keys. So, I came up with the perfect item to be sold in the Gallery. It's called the Industrial Pitchfork. It works just like a normal Pitchfork, except it can dig up Deep and Gas Rainforest Turf. That way, we could transplant Nettles to a better location. Plus it is just the best turf in terms of cosmetic use.

Industrial Pitchfork.....how about just a Golden Pitchfork?

seems more Royal/Regal

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1 hour ago, Sunset Skye said:

I like the idea, but I can't imagine it being implemented. The reason you can't dig up the Rainforest turfs is that the canopy and gas effects are tied to the turfs, rather than the biomes. If you spawn in "turf_gasjungle" and place it down, that spot will permanently have a canopy and gas effect.

Exactly. That is what's cool about it.

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