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The Aporkalypse is a little tedious

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This also goes along with another thread suggesting to move on to the island with the aporkalypse clock. I like the aporkalypse mechanic, having to periodically check it and dispels it. I do think though that it happens too frequently. It’s like being in volcano season in shipwrecked permanently, by the time I’ve gathered up the items to do anything I have to spend  two days to go and turn the clock backwards. Maybe 10 or 20 days would be a bit better. It would be another thing entirely if there was a benefit to the aporkalypse but as it stands there is no reason to participate in it. 

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What do you mean too frequently? The clock is 60 days long. So you only have to change the clock once for every 8 hours of gameplay.

If it takes you two days to get to the clock then just leave to change it every 58 days. Even the Volcano in shipwrecked had to be appeased multiple times in a single dry season. This only requires one trip every 60 days which is much more convenient even if the trip itself is slightly longer.

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1 hour ago, Rellimarual said:

Is it confirmed that the Aporkalypse comes every 60 days? The first one comes at approximately Day 60, but has anyone played long enough to observe that its 60 -day intervals after that?

I thought it is pernament until you reload the clock.

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The aporkalypse happen when all three segments align on 6 o-clock. (Fun fact, the clock is actually upside down so you can get a clear view of the three segments when it's near the aporkalypse. Since it's upside down the aporkalypse actually start when the three segments reaches 12.)

When you make a new save file, it takes 60 days for those segments to align at said due date. Meaning the best way to counter the aporkalypse is to get to the clock before the segments align and rewind the clock as far as you can (The clock controls aren't that precise.) for another ~55 days of peace.

That's right, the best way to deal with the event is that you never make it happen on your save file.

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