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The Adventures of Mr.Mephistopheles [A single dupe playthrough]

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A single dupe run, following the story of one, Mr.Mephistopheles.

I was thinking about maybe doing a web-comic format of the run. Though I doubt anyone would be interested, I'm still having fun at least :D.

I'll probably keep going with it at least, until i get bored with it run out of funny ideas.

But he just keeps on keepin' me entertained. Here's a snippet of his encounter with an odd room full of switches.



Mr. Mephistopheles discovers a room full of switches and a locked door. "Great, a stupid puzzle." He thought.


"Let's just flip this switch here and open the door, should be easy, only a 1 in 6 chance".

Mr. Mephistopheles wasn't very good at math...

But, he wasn't about to be bested by a handful of switches and a locked door.


Though to his dismay and mild irritation, a locked door appeared behind him, sealing him in.

"Challenge accepted, then." He thought.



"Shouldn't be too hard, there can only be so many combinations..."

 And he tried many, to no avail, as the realization set in...it was probably less, than 1 in 6.

"Maybe this was harder than I thought...I'm not going to die in this stupid room, I have things to do, dreams to pursue. I'm not going to let this door get the better of me. Ugh, and I'd be the laughing stock of space if they ever found me down here...

...that is, if I hadn't already taken care of the only two witnesses."

And he snickered to himself as he thought about it, quietly, in his bubble suit...as he continued mashing the  various buttons.


But on the next combination, the door opened. What was waiting for him on the other side?



Mr.Mephistopheles HATED vending machines.


So he did what any sensible being would do, when facing down an adversary of this sort.


He beat the ever-loving **** out of it.


And received a prize for his efforts!

A Waffle Cake? A Little Debbie?

He wasn't quite sure, but he'd be damned if he wasn't taking it back home with him after all the trouble he went through to get it. Whatever it is, it better be delicious.


On the way out, he noticed that the door which had previously apparated behind him was now open and unlocked.

Was some higher power playing sick games with him, and laughing about it to themselves?


He pondered the implications of this, glumly to himself, as he returned home with his new prize.




Broke out the old GIMP and shooped it, for added suspense! (man I suck at it now, it's been awhile)


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3 hours ago, Hellshound38 said:

Clearly fake.... the real story of a 1 dupe run is him getting his head entombed in the ceiling before cycle 2

While under normal circumstances this would be true...Mr.Mephistopheles is not your ordinary dupe. And he is doing quite well for himself, and his gross, crab-like, cleaning servants.

I'm legitimately on cycle 137 and I am using standard settings. Have not had to reload once, except for crashes regarding the microbe musher in the previous QoL update. Avoiding entombment is just a matter of not having them build floor sections with only a 1 tile gap underneath them.

You can even see that I'm being safe with an "early" Atmo suit...because slimelung would mean the end of Mr. Mephistopheles. I wouldn't want him to die from slimelung, that's boring.

You can choose to believe me or not. I do not care. If he ends up dying, (and I plan on letting him die if he gets himself into a predicament like that) I will let him die hilariously while documenting the event.


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14 minutes ago, Iriswaters said:

My main issues with solo dupe play are 1) slow.  So slow.  And 2) no space.  If your only dupe goes to space it counts as a colony lost

10x speed helps with this. (alt-z)

If Mr. Mephistopheles musters the machismo to build himself a rocket and take off in it, he's not coming back to this dirty crab infested rat-hole. Colony lost would be a fitting end, to his otherwise, magnificent adventure.

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Here's one more, I can't help it...this was pure gold...(A little bit earlier on in the run)

Little more text in this one...sorry.

Mr. Mephistopheles strange Bathroom Encounter.



Mr. Mephistopheles had heard a strange noise come from the bathroom.

Upon investigating, he noticed a stream of overflowing urine, and a small, strange little one eyed creature swimming around in it.

"What the hell is that thing?" He wondered...


He could only assume, based on the flow of urine and **** coming from the toilette, that the stall had been the source of the creature.

He bravely went in to investigate. And as he did this, he couldn't help but question his food sources, and thought that maybe he should pay closer attention to what he was eating, and maybe it'd be prudent to wash it a little more thoroughly in the future...

This strange creature, having spotted Mr.Mephistopheles, began to retreat back to the stall for safety. On it's way back from the door...the creature suddenly recognized Mr.Mephistopheles as the source of its' nourishment, by smell, of course...

And, in appreciation for the nourishment Mr.Mephistopheles had provided it, attempted to show him it's own form of gratitude.

This act however, could be nothing but misconstrued.

Mr.Mephistopheles of course was under the impression that this creature was attempting to seduce him, and rightfully so.

He immediately felt ill. Not from the stench, nor the fact he was standing in a pool of his own piss...but from the little one-eyed tentacle creature, attempting to attach itself to his rear-end.


Something had to be done about this small, disgusting, perverse little tentacle creature.

After deftly prying the little bugger off, he tried pleading with it, and urged it to get back in the stall.

"I'll give you some more of what...I think you'll probably like in there soon, so, just hop on in there little guy...or girl...or whatever you are"

(His plan was to stuff it all the way back in there, seal the lid and room, forever.)


But the creature wouldn't go in...

He attempted a more direct approach, and tried to nudge the creature out the door, hoping it would just go away and leave him alone...This didn't work either...


The creature seemed to have a deeper understanding as to what was going on here, definitely more than what Mr.Mephistopheles could have ever given it credit for...

Its' high regard of Mr.Mephistopheles dropped to almost nothing immediately.

Having been denied the ability, as per Morb custom which is ingrained at birth, to show gratitude towards one's donor of nutrients, it blew a stream of noxious fumes at Mr.Mephistopheles', and then proceeded to self destruct out of sheer disappointment with the inhabitants of the strange new world it was just birthed into.


To say the least, Mr. Mephistopheles was pretty mortified for the rest of the day. He sealed the toilette seat immediately, and put a lump of sandstone on top of it just to be sure...he didn't want anything else coming out of there.

"Curse this strange planet."

One thought echoed in his head for the rest of the day..."Bathroom upgrades are next on the list."

Later that evening, as he was gathering more materials to sustain his newly built coal generator...The thought of today's previous encounter slowly crept into the back of his mind.

The response was swift, and as he was letting loose the rest of his afternoon snack into the cave, he wondered if maybe that little creature had infected him with something as well, with all the horrible smelling gas it blew in his face...


He gave up on mining, and instead Mr. Mephistopheles spent the rest of his evening in his newly organized bed-chamber. (He had also given up on the idea of a night-time snack as well...)

He thought maybe practicing some fine Art would rid him of the visions and stress from wading through excrement and having been an unwilling participant in the mating ritual of such a disgusting little creature...But at least it was gone now.



He was mistaken. For his own sub-conscious was now against him.


He tried again...and again...but to no avail...

Maybe if he had known the creature was only trying to thank him, and that it's reproduction cycle had nothing to do with physical contact from another entity, he would have showed a little more empathy towards it.

Mr.Mephistopheles was, the sole reason for it's existence after all...

It's obvious the answer would still have been a resounding "Nope, Nope...nopenopenopenopenopenope...noooooope". But maybe a shred of his sub-conscious thought otherwise.

Eventually he decided to abandon the idea of making any further Art for awhile, at least until the memory of today's events had faded some...


And that concludes, Mr. Mephistopheles strange bathroom encounter.



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29 minutes ago, ruhrohraggy said:

Here's one more, I can't help it...this was pure gold...(A little bit earlier on in the run)

Little more text in this one...sorry.

Mr. Mephistopheles strange Bathroom Encounter.

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Mr. Mephistopheles had heard a strange noise come from the bathroom.

Upon investigating, he noticed a stream of overflowing urine, and a small, strange little one eyed creature swimming around in it.

"What the hell is that thing?" He wondered...


He could only assume, based on the flow of urine and **** coming from the toilette, that the stall had been the source of the creature.

He bravely went in to investigate. And as he did this, he couldn't help but question his food sources, and thought that maybe he should pay closer attention to what he was eating, and maybe it'd be prudent to wash it a little more thoroughly in the future...

This strange creature, having spotted Mr.Mephistopheles, began to retreat back to the stall for safety. On it's way back from the door...the creature suddenly recognized Mr.Mephistopheles as the source of its' nourishment, by smell, of course...

And, in appreciation for the nourishment Mr.Mephistopheles had provided it, attempted to show him it's own form of gratitude.

This act however, could be nothing but misconstrued.

Mr.Mephistopheles of course was under the impression that this creature was attempting to seduce him, and rightfully so.

He immediately felt ill.


Something had to be done about this small, disgusting, perverse little tentacle creature.

He pleaded with it, and urged it to get back in the stall.

"I'll give you some more of what...I think you'll probably like here soon, just hop on in there little guy..."

(His plan was to stuff it all the way back in there, seal the lid and room, forever.)


But the creature wouldn't go in...

He attempted a more direct approach, and tried to nudge the creature out the door, hoping it would just go away and leave him alone...This didn't work either...


The creature seemed to have a deep understanding as to what was going on here...

Its' high regard of Mr.Mephistopheles dropped to almost nothing immediately.

Having been denied the ability, as per Morb custom which is ingrained at birth, to show gratitude towards one's donator of nutrients, it blew a stream of noxious fumes at Mr.Mephistopheles', and then proceeded to self destruct out of sheer disappointment with the inhabitants of the strange new world it was just birthed into.


To say the least, Mr. Mephistopheles was pretty mortified for the rest of the day. He sealed the toilette seat immediately, and put a lump of sandstone on top of it just to be sure...he didn't want anything else coming out of there.

"Curse this strange planet."

One thought echoed in his head for the rest of the day..."Bathroom upgrades are next on the list."

Later that evening, as he was gathering more materials to sustain his newly built coal generator...The thought of today's previous encounter slowly crept into the back of his mind.

The response was swift, and as he was letting loose the rest of his afternoon snack into the cave, he wondered if maybe that little creature had infected him with something as well, with all the horrible smelling gas it blew in his face...


Mr. Mephistopheles spent the rest of his evening in his now-ordered bed-chamber, having given up on the idea of a night-time snack.

He thought maybe practicing some fine Art would rid him of the visions and stress from wading through excrement and witnessing the displays of such a disgusting little creature...At least it was gone now.



He was mistaken. For his own sub-conscious was now against him.


He tried again...and again...but to no avail...

Maybe if he had known the creature was only trying to thank him, and that it's reproduction cycle had nothing to do with regards to physical contact from another entity, he would have showed a little more empathy towards it.

He was, the sole reason for it's existence after all...

Alas, knowing Mr.Mephistopheles, the answer would still have been a resounding "Nope, Nope...nopenopenopenopenopenope...noooooope". But maybe a shred of his sub-conscious thought otherwise.

Eventually he decided to abandon the idea of making any further Art for awhile, at least until the memory of today's events had faded some...


And that concludes, Mr. Mephistopheles strange bathroom encounter.



Slimelung can kill your dupe cause no one can treat him LOL

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12 hours ago, oosyrag said:

Where did Mr Mephistopheles hide the bodies? :3

That's covered earlier in the series.

Enter : Mr.Mephistopheles.



Suddenly, Mr.Mephistopheles found himself in a small room, with 2-strange people, and a strange portal like contraption.

He had no memory of anything before this, or how he got here.



An urge to dig suddenly swept over the group. The other two didn't seem to mind it, but Mr.Mephistopheles was entirely disturbed by this inability to control himself.

"What was going on here? Where did this strange digging gun come from? Why am I even digging?"

He could barely form thoughts though, as the urge to follow these unspoken orders continued.


A strange creature approached them as they began constructing walls against their will.

Mr. Mephistopheles was blinded and had to look away.

Being blinded, he ran into the thorny bush directly behind him.


This pain seemed to loosen whatever spell had taken hold. And he was back to his senses. (mostly...)


He immediately decided he did not like these other two people but he was not sure why, somewhere deep inside him, an urge welled up.

He seemed to unconsciously understand that these other 2 individuals would be eating all of his meal-lice and breathing the limited amount of air. He could already smell the staleness.

"Wait, what are meal-lice?", He did not know, but he knew that he LOVED them.

This just would not do. So he instinctively followed this urge, and promptly erected a wall behind them.


Before the chance to protest arose, Mr.Mephistopheles deftly carved the remaining earth out from under them. Whether this location for an initial room fortification was by some chance, or providence, it didn't really matter to Mr.Mephistopheles.20181204235903_1.thumb.jpg.92d257dc8ea649ca363c0d64581ec7e5.jpg

What mattered, is that he get rid of these 2 mouthbreathers, as quickly as possible. And with the last of the remaining earth gone, they fell. 20181204235911_1.thumb.jpg.02c1e2564a3ed4f2e99d0e948b47d8d2.jpg

A small splash was heard, as he watched from above. He thought about his rash decision briefly, and that they might have been useful for a little while longer....




He then sealed the water-chamber.


Dispatched the only witness...(Plus, that thing was just too bright for its' own good, it hurt his eyes...)


And closed off the strange archway. Couldn't have any more coming through to bother him. He had things to do.


He was not exactly sure what things he in fact, had to do, and this thought bothered him a little, but...he was tired and would think about it in the morning.


And that concludes how Mr.Mephistopheles came to be trapped inside this strange cave, now, alone.



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